Episode 16
Released: January 31, 2010 02:00 PM UTC
Ladies and Gentlemen, boys and girls:
Salcast 16, the best bit! Its just Jagex discussion! You may say (or look) but never fear, with this new format you do not need to stream or download bigger files, you can instead just listen to your favorite Runescape banter from Easl, Tabt, Bob and Goggie as they embark into the month of manuary.
No more skipping through forum discussion!No more sleeping through long music (ok maybe once)!No more getting a drink in the misc section!Yes the new face of podcasting is here! Quicker releases, shorter podcasts (face it, 45 minutes of project W was a long time) and 4 of the greatest voices on the internet, and kemosabe! Yes the benefits are HUGE, just click the link and away you go, into a world where Steel 2handers do exist.
Easl and the JD team
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