I wrote up some code for a post (further explanation there) and thought it was too interesting to not use for a Sal's-based post. Querying the word "Salmoneus" against my code resulted in the above image, where the green items are "closer" in meaning/presence to Salmoneus, while the blue are furthest; although I think it's interesting to consider the central axis more of a mirror than anything. The items in the middle are closest to 90 degrees with Salmoneus - interestingly enough words like "se
I just turned 24 a couple of days ago.
Just reread a bunch of my old blog posts and there was a post commemorating my 15th birthday. It's funny to read this old journal and see what I was like - some real teenage angst back there but some of the stuff that I posted about 9 years ago is still important to me (I posted a lot about Daria 9 years ago and I just contributed to a Daria fanzine a couple weeks ago).
Also I really don't want to see this forum die so here's some content.
HEY GUYS! I'm back. Zazzy gave me an oldschool bond for a week; anyone else playing oldschool still?? #SALS_CC #SALMONEUS_LIVES
I made a Patreon and am slating myself as producing Generative Art & Critical Thinking-based posts, but I've got 3D printing ideas and a lot of other stuff going around; if y'all have any thoughts (critical!! I wanna hear them!!) about my first post I'd love to hear them. Link is here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/24773177
Anyways, enough about me, what's
yep. literally it. im 22 now. i feel like im 37. i'll probably come back once a year just to update my blog title since it'll bug me not to. but yeah. doing my masters now at kings college. ive actually grown up a lot. i used to be very anti relationship and made it clear to any sexual partners what situation was. now i've opened up. how about that. living at home now. absolutely hate it. gonna have to struggle through this for 2-3 years before i can afford to move out. hope you lot are doing go
To whoever reads this, this blog will be my story of how I lost my bank, and what actions I'm taking to re-build that bank. This is more for my personal reference, but some of you may like the idea behind it.
It all started when I received a message from a stranger, asking me how much my Santa Hat is currently worth. Usually I ignore these messages, but I thought, hey why not be nice and let him know, so I did.
We then got into conversation about how I made my money, how long I'
So I actually mainly came back to mention NationStates somewhere but wow this place has gotten really quiet :(
I dated that girl for a few months and she has super severe borderline and basically wanted to cut my eggplant off. Oh well, live and learn
Anyway what's up with you guys I work in insurance now at a State Farm agency
I've been slightly putting off writing this blog entry for some reason, but here it is! Me and my adventures in Canada, so far I'm nearly 4 months in with 2 weeks until the ski season finishes (ie unemployment). If I thought life in Australia was wild, boy was I in for a treat. There's so much that has happened and it would take days to write everything down, so I'll try keep this one somewhat short.
I was pretty keen on leaving Australia, not gonna lie. I felt like I didn't have muc
Is this place still breathing? I'm hardcore procrastinating on studying for my numerical methods exam and I remembered y'all. Kinda nuts thinking I joined this forum when I was like, 12, and now I'm a sophomore in college. All you really need to know about me currently is that I'm a pretty typical partying college kid and mechanical engineering violates me on the daily but I manage. OH and I played a month of old school runescape recently, that was hella lit.
also where my south carolin
Danbridge, the frail level 62 warrior, dressed in full rune, entered the lair of the of the Queen black Dragon.
He drew his sword and pointed it at the QBD. "Fear me!" he shouted to the behemoth reptilian.
This drew the attention of the QBD, and she responded abruptly. "I fear thee not!" She shouted to dwarfed barbarain.
The giant dragon then exhaled a fire wave which consumed the entire lair, killing Danbridge in the process.
That level 45 is only 5% of cape?
That level 75 is only 10% of cape?
That level 85 is only 25% of cape?
That level 87 is only 1/3 of cape?
That level 92 is only half of cape?
hey its 2018 and im still here im not sure if ive been here during 2018 yet but here i am here in 2018 on sals right here right now
im an disgrace to my family so whats up with u guys ???
i broke up with my gf of 200 months and now im bangin a toital hottie
I was introduced to Runescape around 2007 and played (as a paid member) to help relieve the boredom of looking after my late mother, and as 'Chief Sefton', I fought my way up to a fairly high level.
By about 2010 I was Here
Then somehow, I am not sure what happened, I lost the lot. There was some confusion during the RS3 change over I think but I am not sure. Needless to say, I was not happy about it.
I rejoined last month, again as a paid member, and gradually fighting my way bac