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Sal's RuneScape Forum


In Defence of Science Fiction

I have often heard it said that science fiction (sci-fi) is irrelevant and that fans and writers are ‘weird’, or 'sad people in anoraks'. Whilst I agree, that there are some very strange people involved with sci-fi, I would argue that you will always get ‘odd-balls’ in any walk of life, and I do not agree that it is irrelevant. First of all, I would like to point out that, many people confuse science fiction with science fantasy. Admittedly there is a very fine line between the two, which i



My Bio

MOLYFAR   The name is taken from my Surname and Home Town.   BIO   I am an amateur genealogist and photographer.   I also have an interest in Heraldry, in relation to my family history activities. The coat of arms (see my avatar) is a cross moline OR (representing my surname) on a Shield AZURE. The red rose represents the UK county of my birth and also the UK county my ancestors came from. The fern OR represents my home town. The crossed swords are in hono



Making money via headless arrows

As a total noob, straight off the Taverly dock from Ashdale, you can start making money right away.  Get your butt to the GE ASAP and chop the 16 trees located in it. Do this twice to fill your invo. Sell the logs and buy feathers. Continue cutting trees. Now fletch those logs into arrow shaft. 15 shafts per log. Attach the feathers. As of the date of this post, headless arrows are selling for 64 gp each. Your only cost is the feathers, which are cheap. 15,625 headless a



October Skyline

Hey Y'all! As you guys know, I'm frequenting this place and the game from time to time. It's more economically efficient for me to buy membership on break so I'll see you in December/January in-game. Other than that, you may know I'm in a band. So we've recently released a new single called "October Skyline". It was written about 4 years ago before I even joined and I never heard our singer play it again until 2015. It was my favorite thing he's written. Anyway, we actually decided to

Twist of Fate

Twist of Fate

Wild child

So, life has gotten a bit out of hand since the breakup, which was about 6 months ago. I hate that I keep referring to my life as if it revolves around that event but, it'll do. I've been thoroughly enjoying doing whatever I want whenever I want without feeling guilty, probably the best part of the single life. One of these was playing games - she hated me playing games and I often would lie to her and not-so-sneakily do it anyway. So in recent times I've been spending a lot of my free time



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