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Name Change

For the first time since March 3rd, of 08, I changed my display name. Stevo is now no more. Behold the new and possibly improved LuckySteves!



Serum 207, How I Loathe Thee

A long time ago, for some strange reason I decided I needed to get 55 herblore. Or maybe 50, I don't remember :). Anyway, being someone who doesn't want to spend too much on herblore I looked for a prety cheap method to level. Guess which route I took...that's right: Serum 207. Well, i got my goal level, but now I have over 1000 serum 207 potions in my bank. Take a guess why that's so awful...they can't be noted.   Well I need to train herblore some more now. What do you think that means? Yup




Wow. Very long time since I've even visited these forums. I don't know why I've been so...lazy (:)) Guess I'm just bored of runescape at the moment. Oh well, back to grinding on...



81 Hp, 104 Combat

Got this while training slayer at turoths.   Note: I am completely reorganizing my photobucket account so all images except this one will be broken. I might fix some of the more recent ones though.   Actually, it was a lot easier than I expected...Just had to remove a word and a slash :(




Wow, its certainly been a long time since i've posted in here. The thing is, I recently got a brand new 16 gb ipod touch and have been using it for a while now. I also recently learned I have blepharitis, no it's not some terrible disease it just affects my eyes. All I have to do is wash my eyelids with a bit of baby shampoo every day and life will carry on as normal. That same day I learned I had blepharits I also learned I needed glasses. So I come here now with an eye disease wearing gla



73 Fishing

Got this when I decided to powertrain fishing at the barbarian place south of BA. Took a break for now playing the new mini-game and then will probably get back to fishing.  



58 Summoning And 66 Hunter

-Got this when i decided to use up the few charms I had left in my bank. Managed to bring me about 80k from selling kyatt pouches . -And got this while hunting the kyatts to mkae the kyatt pouches.



82 Range And 66 Pray

Ironically enough, I got 82 range in the fight caves on an atempt that glitched and killed me arox wave 61. Also got 66 prayer from mostly penguin hunting but got the last 250 xp at moss giants.  



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