well, I found this video of a guy with a 6 string-bass playing the bass line for a song I really like and want to learn, its called YYZ and its by Rush
Theres the link. Hes not Geddy Lee, but hes pretty good If i do say so myself.. Im nowhere near to that level yet, but hey im practicing. If i could ever get to that level noone could laugh at my bass playing! lmao.
Just thought it would be cool to share for those of you who like that song, a guy playing it very well in front of the came
So this is the tattoo I want
Not the best quality at the moment, but its ok.
You see, I can't get a tattoo legally in the state I'm in yet.
In the state I'm in you can only get a tattoo if your 18 and have parental concent, and they have to be with you.
You can get it on your own at 21, and not at all under 18.
However, in a state adjacent to mine, a little further north, in a city about an hour and a half away from mine, the state laws are different.
Over THERE you can get a tattoo at 18
These are just some of the pictures of the senior trip for my grade. No, I am not in that raft, it was just a funny group to watch. I was actually around the area where the photographer was at the time, witnessed it myself. That was hilarious :-P
Gotta especially appreciate the feet being the only thing visible. haha.
Oh, and take note noone was hurt in any of this. So you can laugh all you want, cause they were too when they finally got back in the raft
done with highschool.. onto college... Don't expect to play too much runescape then unless im super bored... just being honest...
but im glad highschool is over with
college has tons more people to get to know and create wonderful friendships with.
fyi, yes i did graduate same day as lilshu, just around 50 people before him, lmao.
just screenshots of my character wearing different armors.
From Left To right:
Melee Gear: Fremmy Berserker Helm, Rune Plate, Rune Legs, Rune Gloves (from RFD), climbing Boots (waiting on getting back my Dragon boots from when I died), Abyssal Whip, Zammy prayer book, Amulet of Glory, and Legend's cape.
Range Gear: Black D'hide body, Black D'hide Chaps, Black D'hide vambraces, Robinhood Hat, Ranger Boots, Magic Shortbow, Glory Amulet, Legend's cape.
Full Camo: Just for fun... Cam
well, since I finally got Ape Atoll Teleport. i realized Dharoking is NOT fast experience at all... its fun at times to see myself hit 45s with no pots.. but not easy and not fast, lol.
I think im going to sell my Dharok's...
But, since i DID get the tele.. its easy to go to Ape Atoll to train Agility.
So, im going to get to 60 Agility (ASAP)
Go play some Fists of Guthix (thats actually kinda fun, lol) and get some dragon slayer gloves
Then, go for 80 def (while slaying.. I have a s
Yeah... so im going to Puerto Rico for an entire week... Ill be gone from tommorow till the following monday... I wont be able to come onto the forums, or to play Runescape AT ALL!! ... its sad.. its my spring break, and one of the few times I would have gotten lately to even play runescape and I can't... I wont have internet access...
And no, its not like a pleasant vacation, going to visit a sick grandma... aside from that, i hate hot-weather... ill DIE with no AC... i just hope it rains a
as it seems... im having an allergic reaction to my tarantula flicking hair on me... the "rash" like thing is not going away, its actually spreading and becoming itchier... figured out those were hives.. (I wouldn't know, ive never had an allergic reaction to anything...)
SO, now i have to go to the doctor to figure out what to do with myself <_<
greeat ay... and on top of that, im losing my voice because of this thing we had for choir thursday (CD Recording) yaaaay...
in other ne
yeah.. so i was messing with my tarantula today. Yes, I have a pet tarantula.. her name is Terry, lol. So, I was playing with her today, Letting her run on my hand.. but apparently for some reason she got irritated.. she flicked hair at me... now, if you dont know Tarantulas that might seem odd so let me explain...
Tarantulas have hair all over they're bodies. Now, on the back end, the abdoman (or as some people can rekognize it.. the butt), it has alot MORE hair then most other places. It u
finally.. took me forever.
BUT Today i reached 71 slayer, along with 79DEF, 78ATK and 78STR. ALL in the same day, within 10 minutes of each other (shared exp) so im happy :lol: Im combat 102 now, and probably only a level from gaining a combat... Gotta finish a task of firegiants (only like 20 left) get a new one.. my goal is now 79 atk and 79 str before i do anything else.. (while doing slayer so that i can gain exp in 2 things at once, lol) This time im not gonna use shared.... but it was a c
cant wait.. I got an HP level yesterday, got to 80. However, my mind was too tired to really want to do much more runescape... Ive been really tired lately since the time change... its an hour ahead so we lost an hour... of sleep... sucks.. i hate losing sleep, lol. But, soon enough I will be getting a DEF lvl, then an ATK lvl, then a STR lvl. Im using Shared experience so they all come around the same time (and last time i checked the xp levels make itso they arrive in that order). with the HP
wow.. wierd as hell, but since I have Zezima on my friend's list (didnt even remember putting him there, lol) his highscores on funorb show up on mine, lol. on the game "Starcannon" My highscore actually beats his... its almost twice as much I feel accomplished, lol. Even though Zezima isnt the top player anymore and funorb isnt that big a deal...
This is a VERY BASIC guide to making money using skills for Members and Free to Play people in the game of Runescape. Its by NO means professional. Infact It only took me 4 hours to make, but its something to look at if you have some time on your hands and are wondering "how can I make some money...."
For the most part its common sense, but hey, I got bored and wanted to write it in a single document, lol.
So, you want to know how to make money ay? Well, its not as easy as y
So... since most of you obviously dont live near me I will tell this in a way that hopefully you can understand it ><.
I had a car accident yesterday. Nothing happened to the car (aside from the from bumper being pulled away from the car when i was getting it towed from the mud). Im alive, safe, thank god, lol..
so, to being, I was driving off of a ramp into the interstate going towards home, usually a 15 minute drive. It was raining hard however, I was going only around 50-55 with
Well, i got to 72 range yesterday (fluke really) happy to just get a level at anything these days, lol.
Currently working on a slay task of greater demons. not too too bad. good exp for slayer and combat, and decent money (considering what it was i spent to get there that is...) really not all that much, lol.
My goal is to get my melee stats up one level each (cept HP)
so to 78 atk, 78 str, and 79 def. then i can t ake a break from melee and go do some more RCing for cash... Trust me, I
so happy with myself :D
I finally got to 65 Runecrafting! that was one of my goals for this week.
Now, to get to 70 slayer... only 40K more exp to go..
I might add on to the goals for this week.. if i get this one done fast enough i may add a goal.. either 80 fishing, or 70 firemaking. havent decided yet...
id be cutting all the wood myself for the fm level.
and id be cooking all the fish for 80... so i think fishing would be the smarter choice.
As you all know, summoning updates make it easier to level your combat on your character. well it helped me alot.
Because ive had this goal, since FOREVER ago.. to get to 100 combat (doesnt everyone at some point? lol)
but thanks to summoning I finally got to 100 combat!
for once, i feel higher then alot of other people! admittedly, im not all that powerful, and im experienced in all the skills basically.. accept combat. but now that im level 100, people will look at me with slightly more
SO ive been doing alot of hard work on RS lately and i realized, that if i just dont get ADD and work on one skill untill i reach my goal, I can really do alot, lol.
Im on my way to 80 cooking, just one more level.
Got some combat exp, i only have a couple more levels untill i get to 100 combat finally!
I got to 44 farming (by use of lamps and books of experience, lol)
And i got to 70 range recently, now able to wear black d-hide and wield my crystal bow.
and i must say, that bow pwns, t
well, my friend turned 17 today. He doesn't play RS, poor guy has no internet.
However, he does Have a Wii, as do I.
It was my "job" to distract him for like 3-4 hours, untill after his youth group finished. i took him to places like the mall, (game stop in specific), Best Buy, to eat at Mc Donalds, etc etc. it was basically just a whole buncha places to keep his mind off his own birthday. I said happy birthday, dropped him off at his youth group...
Apparently behind MY back, his mom c
well then... Its lunch time, usual time for me and a couple other ppl *cough* two others who actually go to my school *cough* get on to check the forums... yes, we are bored. yes, it is the best use of our time at school.
yes, there are annoying people around us annoying us, and yes there is a guy named Justin who makes us mad...
and some trick tries to ruin lunch half the time too...
BUT.. BUt.... idk why im talking like this im kinda hyper....
Can you believez it?
Im borededededed....
at schoo... i hate schoo...schoo is for foos...
ever gone crazy before??
I have
but this isnt a story about that :-P
this is just a random blog.. never made a blog before...
basically im just gonna talk, to a general audience that im going to assume doesnt care, lol
Ive been playing RS for a while, and its been fun, im cb lvl 96, 77 def, 76 atk, 76 str, 77 hp. not an outstanding character on RS admittedly. I play on and off.. No I do not have ADD, im just not as motivated as some people, ha.
pont is, ive been playing fo