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Entries in this blog

My life so far...

So it's been over a year since I last blogged about anything going on in my life.   I think I'll start with the most important event thus far. I'm almost half way through the two year Forestry & Arboriculture college course I said I was interested in in one of my previous blog posts.   I would say I enjoy the course. The college lifestyle consists of travelling to college, attending lessons and travelling back home. I spend a lot of time in my education and tend to waste what spare time



Black Magic, Cont.

It's been some time since I last worked on a Photoshop action that made cropping RS images easier.   Today I've made a action designed to crop chatboxes. If you're like me and hate seeing badly cropped chatboxes, you may want to download the action for your own use. It's very quick and only needs to do six different tasks.   There are some limitations as to what it can and cannot do: Works with player and NPC chat in fixed-screen mode. Also works with chatboxes that have see through bac



Sal's Player Census (data Dump)

I worked out how the status's of Sal's members by looking at the Members List.     Free: 9,365 Members: 10,757 Inactive: 615 Retired: 1,226 Total: 21,963 (16th Nov 2011)   Excluding retired and inactive players, 53% of players are members and 47% are free-players. It seems we have a fairly balanced selection of players.   It's unlikely that only 8% of players don't play Runescape. Two polls titled 'Who Still Plays Runescape?' posted in June 2011 and October 2010 asked active members



College Courses

This is my last year of education and I need to decide what I ought to be doing after I leave. So, I could get a job or pursue further education in a college/university. There is the one course I'm interesting in, at a college an hours drive away from where I live. It's a course on Forestry & Arboriculture and it lasts four days a week, for a year. The only problem is that none of the careers associated with the course interest me.   I'm particularly interested in identification and the pr



Window Shopping

You know how you're stumbling across the net, looking at things you want but can't afford and you find a site that sells Renaissance Egyptian cotton embroidered towels? And you're going through the form picking what colours and name you want embroidered and you're asked what font you'd like... All of a sudden BAM, Comic Sans.   ಠ_ಠ




It's been too long since I last blogged and so much has happened. It's all just a jumble of events I can't remember specific dates but I suppose I ought to start with the fact that I've cancelled my Runescape membership since I don't play enough for it to be worthwhile.   Over the summer holiday's I've completed a weeks worth of work experience at the local university library. Since then I've done over three weeks work experience at a bookshop in the high street which has been a hundred times



Hooray For Black Magic!

I've finally pioneered a new way to make quest scrolls transparent, with one of those eureka momemnts. I didn't think it was possible before, but with many failures I've developed an action in Photoshop that will automate transparencies for me.   Best of all this can now be fully automated! You could process 100's of scrolls in a minute. Although why would you want to? :glasses:   Hopefully in the future I can do the same kind of thing with npc chatheads and bodies...  




Tomorrow I'll be taking a plane to Orlando, Florida. I'll be there for a week and I plan to visit the nearby theme parks and space centres. I've never travelled outside of Europe before so I'm certainly apprehensive, I'm certainly going to miss England :)



Portal 2

It makes sense now, every one of Easl's more recent avatars finally make sense. I've got round to play Portal 2 for the first time; against the advice of getting the original Portal first. The voice acting, physics, characters and humour made this game unique but I found the campaign was disappointingly short and I have nobody interested in doing co-op with me. :(



The Realm Requires Your Help!

I've been slacking with Runescape lately. I need everyone's help to list as many items as you can for the Item Database's unentered item list. The backlog of items go back just over a month to 13th May, when the capes of distinction came out. Since I 'own' the topic I'm responsible for keeping it updated but that doesn't mean I must source all the information myself.   I need help to keep the sticky updated so if you (still) actively play Runescape you can help out. There are almost always ne



My Lego Coloured Room

If I were to tell you my redecorated bedroom would be in Lego brick colours; you would probably imagine a room with bright primary colours. If that's what you were thinking, guess what?. You're wrong.   I looked at my city street and noticed the calm green tone of the Green Grocer, the rich red of the Fire Brigade and the warm beige of the Grand Emporium. It immediately became clear to me that these three colours would make a great combination for my bedroom. It made sense to start decorating



The Heated Bacon Debate

Is it safe to eat smoked bacon without grilling? I love the commitment some of these posters provide to giving great answers to questions at Stack Exchange.   It all started when my dad used smoked bacon to make a sandwich as a substitute for parma ham. I was skeptical at first but proceeded to try it myself and it's not as bad as I imagined. It certainly doesn't taste quite as greasy as grilled bacon.



Spring Cleaning (updated)

I'm redecorating and cleaning my room, it's going to take a while until I can use my main PC again but it will be worth it       Paint colour magically changes here :s   I can't believe I missed out this behemoth of a topic. It makes a great read :o



International Womens Day

I've taken a visit to the makeover mage to get raise awareness of International Womens Day. It's sad that several people are trying to DDOS the site. For those who can't view the official website, the campaigns about celebrating womens fight for gender equality.  




I grew up playing Runescape with my friends, I'd never imagined how much time I would spend training skills, playing quests or write guides for the game. Nowadays I login everyone once in a while, greet the friendly folks in Canting and loiter around the GE waiting for something to happen before log out again.   Since the return of free trade I've been noticeably less active in-game. I occasionaly check out the most recent updates and grab some info on the local NPC's and Monsters for the data



Lego Creations: Part Three

Here's another round of Lego creations in my unpopular blog series. (It might be something to do with this being a Runescape forum) Hopeful the MOCs I post may interest non-Lego enthusiasts.   Abandoned Houses   Three Story Victorian with Tree by !snap!, on Flickr   TwoStory with Basement by !snap!, on Flickr   USS Intrepid   5 inch twin DP mount1 by Lego Monster, on Flickr   USS Intrepid bow sculpting 1 by Lego Monster, on Flickr   Deck Tractor Tug 5 by Lego Monster, on



More Amazing Lego Creations

Since my first blog entry on this subject, I've gathered a few more examples of Lego creations by adults and teenagers. Themes from the previous blog entry include Apocalypse, Engineering and Architecture. If you don't know already I'm a huge fan of Lego Bricks. Yes Lego bricks, not 'Legos'. :(   Apocalypse   Decontamination Site Delta-22 by Legohaulic, on Flickr   Garden01 by Legohaulic, on Flickr   Engineering and Architecture   Steam Through the Piney Woods by SavaTheAggie



Database Submission Helpers

The IDSH (Item DB Submission Helper) has been improved! Submission helpers for the Monster and NPC database are now available!   Designed for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox.   Update (11/02/2011): Double click the textboxes title to insert Please Submit!   In other news: The most disappointing usergroup has been created. It should be purple! ^_^  



Sal's Simpsons

Redmonke = Ned Flanders Yoyoma = Ralph Wiggum Phoenix Rider = Reverend Lovejoy Salmoneus = Mr Burns Neo Avatars = Smithers Jordo = Millhouse Adam? = Krusty the Clown Donovon = Chief Wiggum Twist of fate = Otto Beeboy = Bumblebee Man Arianna = Luigi Risotto :( Xaria = Marge Simpson Tabt = Edna Krabappel Jacky = Database Gillis = Rabbi Krustofski     Oppinions?



Submissions Bonanza

The Item DB submission helper that I've been working on for a while now is complete! I can't be bothered to explain how to use it, It should be fairly strait forward. My goal when making this application was to make submitting to the database quicker. If you have any problems or suggestions let me know.   Things To Do Increase the size of the 'Specific Details' from a field element to a textfield. [iMPORTANT] Stop the page from refreshing everytime you update the code. Change the form



Runescape Goals 2011

Better late then never!   I'd like to get 90 Construction this year, but I'll need 66 Morphic Hammers :D   18/1/2011 Update: I've got the hammers and I've started building. 80 -> 82 Construction today     99 Woodcutting, It shouldn't be too hard. I'll just cut Ivy or Magic logs when I'm bored.  



Something I've Been Working On...

The ultimate database tool! Well not quite. I'm just over halfway through my tool for the Item Database to increase my productivity. I suppose I could have submitted hundreds of items if I hadn't been working on this. ^_^   Linky   P.S Why is the unsuccessful secret forum still here? ^_^



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