Hi, and welcome to my Woodcutting Skill Log!
My current Woodcutting Level: 80.
300/3000 Willow logs.
270/1000 Yew logs.
Level 80 reached on: June 16th, 2008
Level 82 reached on:
Level 85 reached on:
Level 87 reached on:
Level 90 reached on:
June 16th, 2008
After I get to 80 woodcutting, I'll be focusing a bit more on my other f2p skills,
seeing as my membership runs out soon!
June 12th, 2008
I bought a Dragon Axe, at last! I can now spe
Quest Points: 68
The quests in Green are the ones I've done
The quests in Orange are the ones I'm currently doing
The quests Red are the ones I haven't started.
A Soul's Bane
A Tail of Two Cats
Animal Magnetism
Another Slice of H.A.M.
As a First Resort
Back to my Roots
Between A Rock...
Big Chompy Bird Hunting
Cabin Fever
Catapult Construction
Clock Tower
Cold War
Creature of Fenkenstrain
Darkness of Hallowvale (Myreque Part 3)