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Finway's blog? My goodness, what luck!

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Happy April

gf everybody. One of the best weeks I've ever had here on Sal's. :P :D   :P



Depressing Drama

I really, really don't want to come off as vain or egotistical after the past few days' events, but I already miss my pip.   Optima dies...prima fugit.



What Is Happening To Me?

I feel like last night I broke up with my girlfriend. The thing is, I haven't dated anyone for two and a half years...




You know your life is off balance when: You fall for a girl that you met at a competition, but most likely you'll never see her again in your life. Your sarcasm detector is broken on an online forum (lol dodsy) You're playing/performing more often than you're sleeping You forget to write a critical essay for an important class You pick a thousand page book to read for English, later realizing you have virtually no time to read it.   :D




I just talked to a girl I haven't seen since this summer. Glad to know she still remembers me. My self confidence just went up a modest 6.5%.



Activites In My Life...

In a particular order of importance: Debate Academics Show Choir Band Lifting Jazz Band   Looks like I'll graduate with roughly a 4.34 weighted, and about a 3.94 unweighted. I just signed up for five AP classes next year. In all honesty, though, I don't think they'll be that bad. I actually think it will be just slightly harder than this year, if even that. It will probably end up being the same as this year, since most of the classes that I'm taking next year are just continuations of wh



Lucky Me!

I do not have IBS, Celiac, Chrone's Disease, or anything of the sort. The verdict is that I am simply lactose intolerant, and I need to take lactaid if I plan on consuming any dairy products. I never even suspected that, but it does make sense considering I'm a huge fan of whole milk and milk-made products. -.-



Back From The Dead

I just got my computer back from a two week leave of absence. My hardrive had crashed and I had no back-up computers at my house, so I had to wait two weeks for this one to be repaired. We dropped it off before a weekend, so we had to wait till monday for them to start repairing it. I could have had it back about a week earlier, but then I realized many programs and files would have been missing, and I needed those (as I had no back-up), so the recovery of those took another week and I had to wa



Bad News...

I'm getting tested for IBS or Celiac (I don't know how to spell that) soon since I've had some pretty nasty bowel troubles in the last few months. Wish me luck. :D



Home Sweet Home

After an anticipated-filled (albeit very brief) Christmas vacation to my grandmother's home I am back. I guess I was just really anxious to know what social events would be going on around New Year's. I'm not really sure why, though.



Shaking The Snow-globe!

Snow, snow, and more snow has been the norm for the last week. It's pretty odd, considering we hadn't more than an inch of snow before that. Ever since last weekend's exploits and getting stranded in a blizzard, I've started listening to the Eagles more and more. Apart from their country twang that's evident in some of their songs, they're now one of my favorite bands (again) :P. I'm looking forward to recieving a few of their albums for my upcoming birthday (and Christmas!).   My relationship




Just got home from being stranded for a few days outside of town. It was actually a really fun time, I just wish I could have missed school because of it.   Actually, I'm pretty happy that I didn't miss any school. It was a great time that doesn't interfere with academics at all. ^_^



Gpa's And Stuff...

So a few of my friends and I (and some others ) are in a bitter struggle for the valedictorian title at our school. Currently, because most of us have taken similar classes and recieved the same grades, we are all deathly high. My school also adds two hundredths to your GPA for every advanced class you take; this throws the numbers quite above the traditional 4.0 ceiling. Anyway, we're all fighting to get and keep our precious little A's in every class we're taking, and some people are consideri



Tender Surrender...

...something simply no words can describe (it's a song for those of you who don't know). Steve Vai is a master of emotions, if not music and the guitar itself.



Act Results!

34 in English   31 in Mathematics   35 in Reading   27 in Science   Composite: 32   If I get five more right in Science, and two more correct from Mathematics, I'll have a solid 34 (an increasing number of higher institutions of learning calculate your composite by taking the best scores from each subject throughout all of the tests). I just have to study and practice a lot harder in those two categories.



It Is Written In The Stars

Oooooooooh...   well well   do-do-do-dododooooo.   Oooooooooooh-ooooooo...   well well   do-do-do-dododooooo.   Such a good song by John Lennon. The arpeggios are beautiful, and the vocals go together so well. :P   It's "Woman," by John lennon for those of you wondering.   Soo good.



Distraughting Distances

So I'm talking to that girl (who lives 300+ miles away from me) on Facebook quite often now, and I really can't believe it. I feel both stupid and proud at the same time, but I'm guessing that this whole notion is the former. School is getting terrible (we're starting to rank the weeks as to how horrific and confusing they've been), and I have assignments in virtually every class. Working out has gotten cut short quite a bit due to random gaps in the weight room supervisor's schedules, and I get



Incoherent Indifference

In case you haven't noticed, I'm trying to make my blog entries have more catchy titles to attract views and become popular. :P   So this last weekend, I was hanging with some friends at a school-related band event (with schools from hundreds of miles away participating at the event). Naturally, we decided to "hit on" some nearby girls. Eventually, I got into a long, drawn out converstion with a particular girl. As a result, I haven't been able to get her out of my head, and I really want to t



Guilty Innocence...?

Has anyone else ever had one of those moments where you did something that, in and of itself, isn't wrong, but you later felt bad about it? Well that happened to me today in the form of freshmen. Now, there is no way I'd ever date a freshmen girl (or guy), as I'm two years older and don't think it'd be right at all for me to do so. However, I do happen to be aquainted with multiple freshmen (boys and girls) from various activities, mostly band.   So anyway, I was talking with a few blonde fres



Not Very Active...

Lately, school work has been piling up and the stress I've been under is extraordinary, so I obviously haven't been as active as I'd like here on Sal's. I have a semi-big audition on thursday and I still have to decide on a piece to audition with (I think I'll try something show-music-ish). Physics is crazily harder than I've thought, and my Spanish and English classes are even harder. I never knew I was so bad at communicating. :)



Ideas, Ideas, Ideas...

I need ideas for a trombone solo I will perform pretty soon. Can anybody think of anything? Any genre is fine, I can get picky after I get some options to chose from.



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