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Finway's blog? My goodness, what luck!

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Will Rares Crash?

For the last month or so, I've been keeping tabs on the RuneScape economy. Something to be noticed over the last 180 days (perhaps even longer) is the eerie trend of virtually every rare item (including discontinued ones) to go up. Normally, this isn't shocking, but this magnitude and these levels? Let's compare a few prices from six months ago and today.   Six months ago Disk of returning-30 million Santa Hat-35 million Blue H'ween Mask-29 million Red H'ween Mask-41 million Green H'ween




Best Songs of All-Time "In the Mood" - Glenn Miller "Feel Good Inc." - Gorillaz "A Kind of Magic" - Queen "Lights" - Journey "Hey Jude" - The Beatles   Best Artists of All-Time The Beatles Queen Glenn Miller Journey Led Zeppelin   Best Genres Big Band Era/Swing Classic Rock (stretching the Beatles to Queen and Journey) Psychadelic   I hope I spelled everything right. ^_^



Runescape's Got Me Again...

...but not long-term by any means. This happens every now and then, I just get the urge to play. Perhaps it's an addiction, perhaps not. It has helped my math skills quite a bit over the last eight years. :D   However, this time is different: I want to obtain a rare, no matter how unobtainable they might be. I figure that I've played long enough, so I should be able to purchase one. I have a scythe, but without the tradeability factor, that's just not enough.   I'm thinking about buying fi



I've Come To A Conclusion...

Demon Tide will be my last story regarding the Mahjarrat, at least for a while. There just are too many stories involving them, and I don't feel like following such a cliche anymore. <_<   I'm thinking about producing conventional, Saradomin vs. Zamorak stories, or even something regarding lesser-known gods. Of course, I'm not going to limit my spectrum to simply RuneScape/religious stories. :P



It Has Begun...

I released the first chapter of Demon Tide today. I have chapters one through six completely done, and am working on chapter seven. I have two goals for this story: to have one chapter released each week, and to have at least five chapters completely ahead of time. That way, if I become terribly ill, I won't need to waste my precious time writing a story. Instead, I just need to copy and paste. :D That way, my chapters will be higher quality, as I won't need to rush them at all in order to get t



Demon Tide

My personal masterpiece of my written literature is soon to be released, and I honestly have never felt so excited for it. Because of that excitement that is just bubbling over, I am going to provide a timeline of my history with it and how it's evolved.   May-June of 2008: Rushed through and developed original storyline. Prologue and first four chapters eventually released until December.   August of 2008: Switched to new, faster computer. Most files lost entirely, but ideas remained on, en



Sunrise Is On The Horizon!

I just got my computer back and hooked up again, so I'm once more free to blog and otherwise communicate with all of you! Life is going pretty well after formal, probably equal to my best expectations, so I feel no need to go into that. All there is to know is that things are good. :(   As far as my writing goes, I just submitted an entry for the first ever RuneScape Story of the Month contest. It wasn't my best piece by far, but it was the best I could do. Because my computer was absent from



Tonights The Night...

No, it's not Valentine's Day, but it's still a pretty big night. A certain sorrority in my town is having a sweetheart dance and a local country club. I'm going to be performing along with my jazz band, and I have two solos to go along with it. Wish me luck. :D



Strange Story

While ice skating for youth group today, it was quite obvious that I was the least experienced person in the rink. However, when I was making a fool of myself by trying to skate, a little girl (eight years old, she told me) approached me and offered to help me. She followed me around the whole rink and started talking to me. Seeing that it was a little odd that I, a sixteen year old boy, was conversating and being assisted by a girl half my age, asked her where her parents were. She replied, "At



I Finally Got Her!

Finally, I asked a friend to formal--my fourth attempt, albeit second serious one. It went well, she said yes, kind of as expected. So real life is going pretty smoothly, so I'll turn to my forum life, as usual...   Hosting the Library's Story of the Month contest is nearing it's conclusion, hopefully I'll be back to do it more often. Expect at least two stories from me, along with one brand-new, never-before-released story that is undoubtly my best work ever. Stay tuned! :D



Black Out

The lights flickered off at about 2:45pm today, and so did my hopes of asking one of my friends to formal (ironically placed on Valentine's Day). I mean, usually we all just chill in the band room, but seeing that it was pitch black in there I didn't really have an opportunity to do it. After my first formal-date-fiasco, I've been feeling depressed enough, but this just increases any anxiety I already had.   So that's my life. How's yours?



Life Boxed In

There are only so many hours in each day, and I never thought until now that those twenty-four measly contigencies could ever pose such a problem. First off, I have jazz band every morning for forty five minutes before school starts. After that, I'll be busy up to three-twenty. Fifteen to twenty minutes later, I'll be in the weight room. The exception is thursday, when I have an additional band practice for four hours starting at five-thirty. The weekends are my only real relief.   My storywr



I Got Bored...

Seeing that nobody wants to talk about my real life issues and left no new posts in my blog, I decided to talk about what everybody can relate to - RuneScape! I don't have members anymore, I haven't had it since Summoning was released (beginning of 2008), and I have roughly 800k in the bank and I have no idea what to do with it. I don't have room for any new items in my bank, so I was thinking about investing it to maybe, maybe gaining a little cash if I ever happen to return. What should I do?



Back To Life Again...

Well, after two snowdays and a Campus Ministry retreat, I've arrived as several conclusions that I already knew: I've written my first "good" song, I have the second well on the way, Queen is slowly overtaking the Beatles as my favorite band of all time, and I have no idea what I'm going to do for formal, which, quite ironically, falls on Valentine's Day this year. :)   EDIT: My guitar solos aren't based on any scales, they sound kinda cheesy and flimsy but I think they sound good. I hope. :P



I've Been Thinking...

Today, appreciative listening isn't as simple was it used to be. On the radio, we have a combination of distorted rappers voices, techno beats to an atrocious girl whining, heavy metal that will make your ears bleed because they can't play a note low enough for human hearing, screamo rock that you can't understand at all, and simple chord progressions with a man yelling over them. So I started wondering, what happened to music?   There has been very, very few musicians over the last few years



Enough Is Enough

Alright, I really don't care who started this web of hatred that my group of friends (girls) have gotten themselves into, but I'm going to end it. I swear. Enough of this pretending to be friends with someone, enough of this "I-hate-you-but-I'm-going-to-hang-out-with-you-because-there-are-boys" attitude. Jealousy is healthy to a certain degree, but this all-out envy is ridiculous and needs to stop. As soon as I can, I'm going to tell her everything, how you hate her because we don't, how you don



My Birthday

Yeah, it came and went, nothing too special, I just had some friends over to jam out. Next week I get to stay here at home with a seminarian friend of my brothers while my family travels to another town. I'm pretty pumped. :)



Birthday Ball

My birthday's coming up, I'm not doing anything too special, maybe just have a couple friends over or the likes. However, tomorrow I'm going to a massive Birthday Ball. I'm really excited for it, hopefully it'll go well. :)   That said, I'm working on my third chapter of Demon Tide, I've released something for the SalCast as well as the Library's competition, and I have a good idea of what I'm going to submit for the Newspaper.



Amazing Coincidence!

This is so weird! I just found out that one of my chief competitors for Oral Interp is a girl I was totally obsessed with about three and a half years ago (I only saw her at camp). Since her school and our school are like brother and sister (us being the older sister, seemingly), hopefully I'll get a chance to re-meet her. :)



Update Update Update

This is for those of you have been waiting since June for another update: Your six month wait is over! I have finished the first chapter of Demon Tide, and I must say that it's definitely better than when I started writing any of my other works. Standing at roughly four pages, it's also one of the longest installments of any story, and it's just the beginning! More is definitely yet to come, so stay tuned! <_<



My Forum Life

Lately, I've been doing alot of thinking about my forum life here at Sal's. I keep a semi-active blog following events going on in my life, so I decided to post something about Sal's for a change.   Currently, I'm involved with the Newspaper and SalCast, and I post frequently in the Debate Room and the Story Mat, along with semi-regularly in the General Chat, Polls and Surveys, and 'Scape Lounge. I currently have a goal to write four stories each month--one for the Library, one for the RuneSca



Update On My Life

Well, things might be starting to turn around with my best friend, I'll just have to wait and see. I'm not going to dwell on it, though. My writer's bloc seemingly continues, as well as song-writer's bloc. I did learn how to play the solo for Bohemian Rhapsody the other day, which was nice.   As far as my life going, here's some things that are going on: Studying for semester test is moving up on my priorities list, I'm applying for a job at a local restaurant, I'm going to be in powerlifting,



Update On My Life

Same problems as before, not going to go into it.   There something I just realized about the Newspaper: I'm inactive. Not inactive as in I-don't-post-inactive, but inactive as to the fact that I'm totally clueless as to what is going on with the leadership, management, etc. It's like I just submit stories, and watch it all play out from there.   The only problem I have with my writing now is that I'm so darn active in the thinking part, but when it comes to writing I can't write a blazing



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