I don't understand it at all. Every girl thinks Edward Cullen is godly sexy. Well, except me.
Come on. He's like... a one-hundred year old sparkling albino vampire teenager. His personality doesn't really help, either. A hot mans can't be an overly dramatic wimp. I say we all look at a far superior hot mans - one who isn't afraid to screw a green alien chick and kick a's. Edward? Pfft. KIRK 2009.
I have the most posts of the day. I declare myself supreme ruler :(
This was my first day at Sal's. It's a fun place, but to tell the truth...
With the exception of the hot mans :P
Washington D.C. has the highest HIV rate in America. Second to that is Baltimore. DO YOU WANT ME NOW?!?!
Okay, so, here is my introductory blog. About me and... things. My name i