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An assorted collection of stuff

Entries in this blog

Update to an old blog

So, if anybody actually remembers this blog from back in 2012, I used to talk here. I also played Runescape for a while. I may have logged in some time in 2015, even.   Well, just started a new blog, about just about everything. Thought I'd mention it here, if anybody came looking: http://solarspot.netlify.com/



Ideal house part 2

So, as a follow up to my House Party (next year) entry (last year... :P ), this is a new take on last year's house designs.     The main change is having the two Study rooms upstairs, which frees up lots of space downstairs. This makes tablet running from the portal considerably less convenient for guests running the route, but allows me to give the portals plenty of prime real-estate close to the entrance.   My hopes for this house are to make it all-around useful for any task anyone




Apparently I'm back. And writing on my Runescape blog.   Been in Runescape (itself) a few times recently, even despite leaving for the better part of a year. Can't say I exactly like seeing the squeal of fortune, or most of the other new offers... But I missed Canting away.   Also, I observed myself buying a month's membership card a little while ago. So I might have one more go at the game after all. And just pretend most of the stuff added to the game since last year doesn't exist.  



Stuff Like This...

Makes me regret being a Runescape player.   Credit: Mod SteveW in the account rollback thread.     Oh yes, lie to us for our own good. We're better off for it, really!



Lillantra's Observation.

We were discussing the psychological significance of the Clan Citadels during a recent dialogue in Canting Away. During the process of this, Canting Away member and Gielinor citizen Lillantra made a rather unusual assertion. I am quoting her here so that her analysis may further research into the psychological and sociological significance of Clan Citadels henceforth.   Note: The following contains language that may be too appropriate/articulate/graphic for some readers. Version of this po



One Grand Total And Stuff.

^_^   This was today. I might just start membership now (have a prepaid card behind me ^_^ ). Not sure if I should get the last 2 smithing levels and finish the lumby diary first, or save the money and just do it tomorrow.   Other related stuff: I sold my soul to the devil, moved to the Soviet Union and bought a new computer. Yes, a new computer. Yes, I'm the guy who is still totally used to getting decade old computers to do everything. Half of it was my parents birthday present fo



Dead Computer

So... A few days ago Jagex announced that they were dropping support for some of the older versions of Java. This just so happened to include the version my computer had. It also just so happened to be the newest version my computer could run. :P   I still had an old RS client installed. From 2 years ago or some such. Would it work? Nope. Download a new version. Install said version. And? It can't install on Windows 98. (my computer has Win98 SE, FYI).   Talked to a few people o



House Partay (next Year)

Guess what I made? Guess what I made? Guess what I made?   Fancy new Runescape house [plan], that's what :D And it's all cool and awesome and cool and awesome and cool and awesome and cool and awesome and cool and awesome and cool and awesome and cool and awesome...   *Ahem*   I didn't really plan it with anything in mind... No clue how I'd be using it. Just wanted the all-round perfect house. Tried to make everything efficient, spacious where it needs to be and cosy where it should



My Non-runescape Life

Just thought I'd bug you guys with what I've been doing outside the fields where runes are written on magical rocks...     It's a game called "Rule the Rail". I have no clue how old it is, the previous owner of my computer left it installed. But yeah, I've been playing with trains.   I know I know... other games are a waste of XP.     And no, I didn't get carried away with that one. At all. Really. I'm totally going to use all 40 parking spaces in that train yard on the left...



Seeing Double

(I'm the one in the middle, T10Skiller is below me in this view. Or East)   Both of us in Frog masks / outfits, wearing identical team capes, using golden hammers to smith tracks, and synchronizing hammer swings.   That is all.




Greetings human.     W00t, 43 Asking invisible deities for things finally!!! And some archery levels aswell. Pretty much all gained on Hill giants in the Edgeville resource dungeon. Made a bit over 1k prayer xp an hour while people were leaving bones on the ground for me. Also managed to make something over 2k xp (prayer) xp an hour in the Stronghold of Security, in the room full of lvl 12 Minotaurs. Not that the regular bones are better than big bones, but the Minotaurs spawn so fast




Hehehe...   Sorry I haven't posted much lately, my mind doesn't seem to exist anymore.



70 Cooking Etc.

W00t!!!! Finally have a skill in the 70's Even if it is just cooking... :D   Yeah. I know. Not that big a deal, or ordeal as skilling can be. Took maybe 5 hours canting away in Canting Away (:/) to travel from lvl 63 up to 70. Still, it's my first 70's stat, so I'm less of a n00b now right? :/ That, and my total level is only 21 (or really 22) levels short of the overall highscores. Might actually be able to make it before I start membership!   I guess I'll just take this opp



Yo Im Solar

My new PvP account. Thinking that I'll make her a ranged 2h pure, so I'm working on 40 Ranged, 20 Attack and 40 Strength. Currently, none of those three achieved ^_^   Also, what'ya'all'fink'o'da'look? Straight white skin / deep red miner's outfit / plain boots / yellow hair & cape. Wanted to maker her look scary (or grungy) :P



Opening Post

Hey, I'm Solarspot. I started playing Runescape in June 2006. I haven't really been on routinely since then. For the first few days after starting my main account, I spent 5+ hours a day on assorted stuff. Then left for a few months...   Right now I have two game accounts: "Solarspot" and "No Cute 1". Solarspot is currently my main account. He typically dresses up as a frog, for some reason. He's been doing it ever since he got that Frog mask ~3 years ago, and it just happened to mat



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