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The Blog with barely any comments

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Tip.it Forums and More!

Yes, I apologize for speaking about another "rival" fan-site on this forum, but I thought I would post anyway. A little Sunday sacrilege is fit anywhere.  As you all know by now, the traditional RuneScape fan-sites started to "die" sometime around 2010 or even earlier. I will not speculate on the reasons, but it happened with every site and every community, all of which were forum-based. New players stopped joining, current users stopped playing the game, and eventually people started going



Lumbridge Crater victory

They are finally fixing the ugly Lumbridge crater and they are doing it without making it into a lake (which I think was voted on by the community). It has not been implemented into the game yet but here are a few pictures:     So glad to see this. I called for this here and I am happy they came to a similar conclusion.



Sals Clan leadership

The clan has really taken a hit in the past 3 months, particularly with the citadel. As I only play a few hours a month I am not really active enough to lead the clan anymore, especially now. So I thought I'd give you all a heads up that we're looking to replace me with someone. I won't leave the clan but I won't be a deputy owner, probably just a normal member or something that only requires 1-2 hours a month :P.   I am also considering slowly stopping RS3. They are discontinuing Java soon an



Sliske's Endgame Pictures

Sliske's Endgame is the end to a three year questline where a bunch of gods try to gain possession of the most powerful artifact in Runescape.   Here are some pictures I took for the guide but that I may not be putting into the quest guide.         Spoilers:    



Children of Mah pictures

Here are some extra pictures I took during the quest that mostly have no use in the actual guide.         The quest had a nice few plot twists.



Old man yells at cloud

I know complaining about Runescape has been cliche for the past 10 years but I think my complaints are slightly different. Runescape (3) is so different from the 2005 game I started playing. People like to complain about things like combat, which I agree is broken, but I have nothing unique to add to that conversation.   Other things maybe I do. For one, the story has jumped the shark. I never cared much about the story but the past few years I have been paying more attention due to writing qu



The Light Within Pictures

#1 quest of all time in terms of unoriginal names.   Pictures I took but currently haven't put in guide. Most will not make the guide as they're cutscenes and crap.      




It's been awhile since some sort of site update so here it is. There haven't been many guides lately besides guides for new quests. You might be wondering why. The reason why I'm not writing much in terms of guides is because I'm stuck. Our most outdated portion of the site is the skill training section. I said I'd clean this up a bit, which I did a little, but the truth is that I suck at getting fast XP. Whatever I write won't be good and probably not worth the time. What we need is in-depth an



Goodbye Cole Hamels

A bit late but I was obligated to...     GOODBYE COLE HAMELS. Traded to the Texas Rangers before he could even pitch another no-hitter for us. Stays classy though, took out full page ad on Philadelphia Inquirer yesterday.  




Oh yeah, no hitter against the Chicago Cubs. GET ON BOARD THE COLE TRAIN!!!   Unfortunately this blog post is likely to be followed one titled "Goodbye Cole Hamels"



Sobend Reading Club

Check out John Updike's Hub Fans Bid Kid Adieu, which is an article about Ted Williams' last at bat in baseball.



200th quest extra pictures

Here are a ton of extra pictures I took from the quest. May use some of these for the guide, don't know really.       Alternate timeline outside of Varrock       Varrock Herald got updated!!! First time in 8 years!!!  



Clan DRAMA from nine years ago!!!

Hey guys, this really doesn't effect very many people still here. I need a public place to put this so I decided to put it here. If you're a random person then you can continue on somewhere else. If you're interested in this crap anyway, backstory is in the spoiler.         Somebody alerted Shooter585, an old clanmate of mine, that Pkpete, once a warlord in TUP, recently wrote this in an application to DI:     This isn't particularly true. I thought about just ignoring it (correcting R



Dishonor Among Thieves

(spoilers)   Just wrote a quest guide on this and took a bunch of extra pictures, a few of which will probably go in the guide. But I'd thought I'd post them here anyway.   I thought it was hard for an intermediate quest. Probably should have been experienced at minimum with that difficulty. The puzzles were difficult (especially when compared to the grandmaster Plagues End "puzzle") and I'm not sure the combat would be easy at a low level. Overall the quest was OK. It was not voice acted, w




I wasn't going to make a blog post about this but I decided to in the end so nobody goes "OMG STAFF R INACTIVE LOL"   January 20-February 20 I'm going to be on break here. I won't be logging in here and not in Runescape much either. I need to log in to prepare for bxp weekend but that's it. Reason for this break isn't complicated. I'm a bit tired of doing so many things Runescape related and I need to take a break to pique my interest again. Besides no posts from me it should be business as us



So this is... Christmas?

Well Christmas is almost over, with only three hours left here in Pennsylvania. A few things:   Does anyone else prefer Christmas Eve to Christmas? Christmas Eve seems to be the penultimate episode of the holiday season and Christmas seems to be the disappointing finale. On Christmas Eve you're looking forward to the next day like it's going to be some triumphant victory and after Christmas morning it's pretty dull. I suppose some families have some dinner party, but personally in my family we



Skill Training Guides 3

Here's a list of guides that I don't find my self rewriting because I barely train them   Not going to rewrite any time soon: Construction. This skill doesn't need much of a rewrite though because it's barely been updated since release. Maybe a few things like God Statues. Farming Herblore Here are skills I could rewrite but don't want to because I'm not great at them Crafting - got most of my levels off the citadel skillplot and the bonus experience from the citadel Fletching - I



Skill Training Guides 2

I'm still working on updating the skill training guides. Doing fishing now. The problem I noticed with these guides, which became very clear while updating them, is probably how they were accepted. Many seem to have an exorbitant amount of information, which really is not necessary while training a skill.   So because of this I will probably end up doing straight rewrites from now on. The thing is that I can't really update a guide to 2014 without making massive changes and additions/deletion




Yay! This bonus XP weekend I got from 78-92 Summoning, which is good for me because now Summoning is no longer my lowest skill.   Getting for 78-88 took around 30 minutes. I used this fast method I think many here are aware of but I'll explain it anyway. Basically what I did was bring all of my crimson charms, spirit shards, empty pouches, and noted granite to this one area. Then I sold my granite to the guy with the summoning icon above him (a few people were selling to the wrong guy, Pickups



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