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Is an extremely fun 'racing' game that looks fantastic and becomes rather crazy on the higher speeds.   http://www.proun-game.com/ - pay what you want, free or up    

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Sumoblitz - Variety

I've got all the other achievements for Sumoblitz on FunOrb (it's a fantastic game :D), but Variety doesn't want to unlock. :(   As far as I'm aware, the description for the achievement is: "Kill 5 different enemies in a row"     Am I missing something, or is that exactly what I'm doing in the video, though without the achievement unlocking? This was recorded after the post in the 'FunOrb Fixes' (7-8-685-36811, page 8) which says "Variety achievement has been fixed. " - unless the

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Interesting Conversations On The Bonus Xp Weekend

Much less exciting than last time - I've used 3:30 of my timer and doubt I'll log in again to use any more of it.   Stats before:   Stats after:   Runemonkey progress:   Ranged, Constitution and Magic were the Circus. Annoyingly, I failed as much this trip as I had in the previous 4, so the xp is lower than it could have been. Summoning is an inventory of Fruit Bat pouches when somebody mentioned that there could be a bug which allowed you to get the full multiplier (it only gave

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Runescape Notifier For Chrome - Updates

I've made a number of updates and improvements to the RuneScape Notifier for Chrome in the past week or so including speed improvements, news and notifications which can be seen in the comments.   Today's change brings another change, this time to the way in which the GE offers are displayed. Rather than being lines of text, it's been changed to be more visual and easier to pick things out at a glance. I'm not totally convinced about the colours myself (I've tried taking them from the in-gam

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Telmomarques Getting 120 Dungeoneering

^Followed by all 1200 people running to the south-west and causing the most epic lag I've ever experienced^ -.-   (note how there are so many people that I can see nobody who isn't on the same square as me)   The below pic was taken ~10 minutes later once things had calmed down a bit, I'd picked up to 5spf (seconds per frame) and people started picking on the various JMods around (Mango, Hayley, Spider, Williams, Alena, Scorpion, Mat K).     Pic of the cape (via @yakhunta and @Steve2005

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Runescape Notifier For Chrome - Initial Release

Yesterday Jagex announced a RuneScape Game Bar - a toolbar for IE, FF and Safari. Although there's the usual problem that it's a toolbar and toolbars always take up too much space for the functionality they provide, it does provide some interesting data relating to the GE and Activities. It also spawned a number of 'y no Chrome, u fail!!!' posts.   Well, toolbars are ick and us Chrome users have no desire to have an icky toolbar ruining our minimal UI. The Jagex devs realised this, so didn'

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Treasure Trail Update

I've been doing a few Treasure Trails since the update to check how things are and whether the update achieved everything it should have done. I've killed Bork daily and had a single level 3 clue and the Skeletal Horror has dropped nilch, meaning I've not had a chance to try the elites, so this is my experience from a few level 3s and a level 2.   First off, I love how they send you off exploring into random locations. There have been a couple of clues where I've been wandering into the Wild

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Q&a Summary - Mods Ash And John A

Two Q&A sessions in a week? :)   This is a summary of the, longer, forum Q&A session with Mods Ash and John A which happened on the 23rd July on 13-14-820-61340061.   The questions are in roughly the same order that they were answered, with a few moved around. I've also tried to leave out answers that were already known or any details relating to specific plot points. Whisker Please, when answering these questions, don't just put 'that's not in our plans right now.' But instead,

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Twitter Q&a Summary - Mod Mark - Dungeoneering 1.5

Today saw a Twitter Q&A session with Mod Mark. The main basis was supposed to be the Dungeoneering 1.5 update, but it naturally progressed slightly off-course and meandered onto other interesting subjects. As always, I've tried to keep the quoted sections to things that haven't been said before and / or are interesting. For a full transcript, see 16-17-381-61353070 where Moe Is 4210 has been awesome and posted one.   Q: mod mark we need some real bosses, is there anything in the pipe

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Is Runescape Gameplay Engaging?

I've been watching through the TotalHalibut Cataclysm videos and found them interesting. Yes, the commentary is fantastic, but the key point is that the gameplay itself is very watchable. I hadn't really picked up on this key point until watching the, rather dull, Dwarf starting zone video and the following came up in the commentary:   "I'm gonna speed up most if this and I'll let you see the little bits of storyline that are dumped in it otherwise there is nothing to watch. Use the Tota

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Epic Runescape Videos

I've blogged about a couple of WoW videos that fall directly into the 'epic' category since they have a feel about them that makes you go 'omg, awesome!' at first sight. Since then, I've been looking for any Runescape videos that are truly epic and haven't come up trumps.   Does anybody know of any truly epic RS videos, bearing in mind the following... In general, rap or metal makes for a terrible soundtrack. Boss fights where people are standing still the whole battle are boring. Crashi

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Stellar Dawn Forums

Jagex goes along, creates a fantastic looking website for Stellar Dawn which both looks amazing and feels good to use. All over the place, the 'title' tag is used where 'alt' should be, but other than that it's a very nice design and feels fantastic. You then click to view the forums.   Who in their right mind decided to use the same forum design as is used for the War of Legends forums? It's hideously bland, is horrible to use and doesn't in the slightest bit fit in with the hawt design t

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2100 Total

It's been 18 months since 2000, but 2100 has finally arrived.     Totally anticlimactic and just another level in the grand scheme of things, but milestones are always nice to reach, plus I can now do barehanded butterfly catching with 80 Hunter. :lol:     I've dropped huge numbers of ranks in pretty much everything since 2k - the only one that's remained even slightly constant is Duel Tournament where I've lost 2k ranks. It's clearly not the most popular activity in RS. :lol:

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Love Story - The Quest

I did the quest today and it was certainly good fun. :D   The start bit at the barn was simply genius. A very simple puzzle, followed by a request to do a pointless task which you're ignored for doing. This whole section is taking the mickey out of other RS quests and is fantastic.   Heading to Draynor and you're shown a cut-scene of Dionysius and Zenevivia in the past. The emoting, dancing and everything else about this is wonderful. The camera movement in all of the cut-scenes is very

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Love Story

I've not done the quest yet (will probably do it on Wednesday), but have been reading through the posts Mod Ash has made on the forums (there are a lot! ) and came across this quote... Thanks for the review. It's often hard to judge how well something will go down, although I reckoned I was onto a sure thing with a highish-level WOM quest.   This is also the first quest where I've written most of the music myself, so I'm glad you like that. 15-16-717-61257643  If that's not a reason to ha

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Adventurer Log Bugs

Once again, there were problems with the Adventurer's Log today, spewing out statements that people had done things that they hadn't. Personally, I missed the actual event, but the wonders of RSS have told me that I did the following (actual status in brackets): 96, 97, 98, 99 Attack (82) 97, 98, 99 Strength (83) 81 Firemaking (99) Completed FTP3 twice (complete) Reached levels 72, 74, 76, 77, 78 Smithing, but missed the ones between (76) Completed EW3 (complete) 85, 86 Fletching (

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Barbarian Assault

A rough video showing my technique as a Defender on wave 8 of Barbarian Assault, recorded on 21st January 2010 after the rewards were updated. It is by no means a perfect wave (a runner got past :D), but demonstrates a number of useful techniques. The key point to note is that at the start of the wave, piles of all three types of bait are placed in a line from the trap to where the Runners appear. Towards the end of the wave you can be more specific in what bait you put down, but the most imp

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Castle Wars Timelapse

I did the recording for this around the same time as creating my Runescape Machinima Competition entry (9th February), although didn't get around to putting the audio and video together until a couple of days back. It's interesting watching people pass through the Castle Wars lobby and how there's such as constant stream of Ghraaks and Kyatts passing through. In particular, I love the way the music and the visuals work together in the ~40 seconds from . I'd love to say it was naturally like

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Runescape Website Blue Forum Maintenance

The RuneScape Website - Blue skin has been updated to fix the problems caused by a forum update that occurred today. The 'showhide' boxes appear buggy at Jagex's end, so they look slightly odd, but the rest appears to be OK. If I've missed something, please say!   I've also taken the chance to update the background colour of adverts on news pages. There are also a couple of other updates relating to colours in JMod posts on the forums.   Get it now: http://userstyles.org/styles/16009 (sc

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Dking On A Pvp World

There was much discussion and debate about which boss to visit. Should it be the Dagannoth Kings? Maybe Sara GWD? A decision took ages to make, so we found ourselves killing the Giant Mole, the most irritating and pointless boss there is. Because of this, we decided to do something more exciting - DKing on a PvP world!   Off we headed to Waterbirth with some cheapish, but still fairly effective, gear, before hopping to a PvP world. Inside the dungeon, the doors you hit with axes or someth

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Chompy Hunting And A Golden Appearance

I've spent a bit of time Chompy Hunting over the past couple of days to get some new hats to go with various outfits and have loved it. :D   Of course, it's old-skool, so it isn't totally polished. The flashing arrows disappear when you kill another Chompy, but this makes it more fun making sure you miss none. Various toads, bones and birds will hide within the ground when they fall in certain positions, so can't be seen. The toads bounce and there's no invisible area around them that can b

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Dragon Chain! ^_^

I've wanted one of these for soooooooooo long and finally gave in to the temptation yesterday by putting in an offer on the GE. Logging in today, it had bought. :D     It was then a case of finding an outfit that worked well with it since the Skillcapes I have (Firemaking / Farm) and the Red Nomad Cape don't look quite right. Thinking back to those early games of Castle Wars where I formed the dream, I realised that everybody was wearing a Legends' Cape with it (they were the best cape /

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