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We can destroy or we can cherish...the choice is ours

Entries in this blog

Elf Parade

Having done the Christmas Event, Josh called me over to Falador World 36. I had no idea what it was for, but there's normally a reason for his madness, so I headed over. From what I gather, one of his friends, SANTA1862, was going to be hosting a giant parade at 3pm GMT, then Jagex decided to release the Christmas Event at 2:30 and people were busy doing that instead of turning up to the parade.   Slowly, more people did turn up and green outfits were handed out so that people would look lik

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A Christmas Warble

The Christmas Event appeared yesterday afternoon, so it clearly needed completing. I popped in-game before the System Update countdown finished to position myself where the Wardrobe would appear in Draynor and logged out. After a couple of failures at reloading the game applet, it appeared and I was in! :D   The first thing to note was that there were particles in-game with a new graphics option, so off I head to look at the options for them.     Why is there a total failure at a scroll

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Kbd Heads

After yesterday, I decided that I had to head back to the King Black Dragon today with the new-found knowledge that wearing Proselyte wouldn't mean the firebreath hits more and that it doesn't matter if you die with the Holy Wrench since you can get it back for free.   Wearing full Proselyte and my inventory packed with Sharks and Potions, the obelisk was kind enough to zap me directly to level 44 wilderness, so I ran over towards the KBD's lair and entered. It wasn't quite as much as a shock

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Killing The King Black Dragon

Following the party yesterday, I have a month's membership, so what better way to use it than to try something new? :D   Since I'm totally unimaginative in this respect and have read all of Merch's tales of fighting off the King Black Dragon, I decided it sounded like a bit of fun - I only recall entering the KBD's lair once before to unlock the music. With this starting knowledge of nothing at all, I did a quick search and found this which gives a basic rundown on what to take for a basic ru

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Sal's Realm Christmas Party 2009 - The Pictures

As mentioned in the last entry, here's a summary of what all of the pictures show. :D   The pics (60mb, .zip): http://skins.santafish.org/Christmas%20Party%202009.zip   1 - I was watching the Take That thing on ITV before the event, so during the ad breaks I decided to pop in-game and say hi.   2 / 3 - On the third time I appeared, people had made a train and were wandering around Mudskipper Point.   4 - And the next time, people were emoting together, as can be seen in the left of the i

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Sal's Realm Christmas Party 2009

I know I'm not alone in feeling that it was great fun, so thanks to all who came and made it so amazing. :P   I'd like to give a special tyvm to several people - Merch Gwyar and Teacuptime for allowing the Sal's rabble to invade their houses and Joshua Mack for deciding that starting an 8 hour clan war with no killcount limit would be a good idea...   As usual, I took a lot of screenshots, although this time I didn't get any video since the additional lag would have killed me. Rather than

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It Really Doesn't Screan Of Polish

It's been a few days since the launch of the new-look Jagex store, so it's probably time to comment on it. Hopefully what I've written makes some sense, although huge differences between the EU and US stores probably make it slightly harder to follow than it could be as I jump between the two.   Slightly over a month ago revealed the new-look jagex.com which I mentioned was pretty darn good. A day later and I noticed annoying problems with the Adventurer's Log. Unfortunately, the creator of

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Annoying Quest Title

Similar to the Predestination topic last month, whenever I see the title of today's Quest I'm wondering why somebody's posted a thread about getting a Blood Rune Drop. :P

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Finally Got Round To Updating It

It's been a while, but I've finally got round to updating the Blue Runescape Website Skin so that it works again following the changes in URL a while back.   It's taken this long to update it because I've had no personal incentive to do so - I've switched to using Chrome since it has a significantly faster statup time (measured in seconds rather than minutes) compared with Firefox. Up until now, it's had no easy way to install Userstyles, so I've simply not bothered. Today, however, I decide

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I've found myself watching quite a few films over the past week that I've not seen before, so...   [name=high-school-musical][/name]First was High School Musical. I'd heard so many terrible things about it, but had just sat through an hour and a half of the X Factor, so it couldn't have been any worse than that. Turns out that it's a fantastic film. The entire plot and all the twists are predictable within 10 minutes, the whole thing is horribly cheesy and the songs are waaaaaaay too catchy

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Whenever I see that topic title, I wonder why people are debating the removal of vehicles from a street or city centre (pedestrianisation). >.<

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It Screams Of Polish

Today reveals a new look for http://www.jagex.com/ and it keeps up the recent trend of well polished webpage design and implementation. It's only a couple of pages with the new look, but almost everything has been looked at and even the 'strange' decisions have a perfectly acceptable reason behind them if you put in a moment of thought.   Starting with the navigation (and pretty much every link on the page) - when you hover over anything, the colour of the background (and text) changes instan

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Please Ensure Content Is Broken Before Release - Halloween Event

I finally got round to hopping in-game and doing the Halloween event. It filled half an hour in an entertaining way, so that's good.   I didn't fail any of the obstacles which probably helped (the upper level ones are hawt ), but there were a couple of problems...   When clicking to move in the Herald's room (to the other side), there's a large lag before you actually start to move - as if it's having a problem finding a path around that giant spider. If you can run half way round a floor

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One Of Those Small Things...

I know I'm probably asking too much, but is it really too hard to tell that I'm NOT using IE? :D     (the answer's no and, yes, things like this do bug me)

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Please Say That I'm Stupid And Missing Something Totally Obvious...

For the past few Runescape updates, I've been logging into the game to check it out for a minute or two. Each time, I've found 2-6 bugs of various levels of importance and irritation, which I'll accept so long as they're fixed in a reasonable amount of time - small things are bound to slip through.   Today was the Display Names update, so I checked out what it's like in-game, find a couple of problems, report them and log out as usual. I then decide to look at the Account Creation page, with

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Rct3 And Epic Music

I've spent a few days having great fun on RCT3 and in doing so have managed to reach 100% in Career mode. :D   Although most of the way went smoothly, there were a couple of parks with certain objectives that were driving me mad...   The first involved a need to earn a large amount of money to pay back a loan. Annoyingly, the amount I needed to pay back was about 80 times monthly profit. I was patient enough (on 'super fast forward' mode) to get through about half of this time, but eventu

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How'd I Not Noticed...

...that clicking on the 'Message Title' / 'Sender' / 'Date' headings in your inbox will sort the messages by that column (A-Z, A-Z, New-Old)? :D

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Big Numbers

I can generally get my head round big numbers reasonably well, but some of those in this article sound... crazy. 7650 quests 70,000 spells 75,000 CPU cores 180,000 squashed bugs 1.5 million art assets 5.5 million lines of code 112.5 terabytes of RAM 1.3 petabyes of storage 4.7 petabytes of data transfer for a patch (3.1) :D

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Flag In The Ground

I found it when going through my Spotify playlist and adding new songs that had been added / released since I'd last gone through, finding another ~300 songs including this one...     It's a strange song, ending up as a cross between Victoria's Secret (amazing song that I totally love) and Fly with the Black Swan (a song that I totally hate, but will listen to over and over again). There's a nice progression throughout the four minutes, with the first 15 seconds and last bit feeling qu

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Amazon Fail

http://www.amazon.co.uk/THQ-Wall-E-PS2/dp/B0017THWW2/   Product: Wall.E (PS2)   Description: Zip, race and blast as you take Wall-E and/or Eve through a fast-paced adventure in the newest Disney/Pixar blockbuster movie, Walle. Explore 10 worlds filled with non-stop action and adventure, carry out intense missions, dodge dangerous enemies, solve puzzles and navigate your way through a futuristic world. Relive key action-packed moments from the movie Enjoy new storylines and explore

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Greater Compatibility

Following a blog post a few weeks back, website styles on http://userstyles.org/ can now easily be used by those other than Stylish users. :D   This means that if you use any of the following, you can use the hawt below linked styles... Stylish, Greasemonkey, Chrome [info], Opera [info], IE7Pro :D   The hawt below linked styles   Runescape Website - Blue - make the Runescape website all nice and blue, based on the Runescape Blue skin on these forums Runescape Forums - Wide - make the Rune

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New Quote

I has a hawt new quote in my sig thanks to some misc web browsing. :D   "#clowns {float:left;} #jokers {float:right;} #me, #you {position:static;text-align:center;margin:auto;}" ~ whoojemaflip

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