Man, this shizzle is crazy. Apparently there's software in Japan where you can input lyrics and a melody and a song and...well I think this will explain it far better than I can.
From Wikipedia:
The most interesting thing is that the music made through this software is actually palatable; if anything, a lot of the songs are pretty damn catchy!
This song really caught me off-guard when I found out that it was created totally through the
For those of you that don't know, KSoD - short for the "black screen of death" - is a failure that occurs on both Vista and Windows 7 and does now allow the user to log in. For the past two days, I have gotten this error due to a failed partition using Paragon Partition Manager. I was creating the partition so that I could test out the Windows 7 that I torrented earlier. Funny thing is, after the partition manager KSoD'd me, I used the Windows 7 disk I burnt to upgrade myself to Win7 and now I c