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The diary of a random adventurer

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So Proud of MFI!

UPDATE! MFI has now told his version of events. Go to his blog to read all about it: Accidental 15 Minutes of Fame - My View       Runeshark currently have this livestream going for RS2007. MFI has been watching them since they started, so he was watching this too. He was also in a Skype call with us.   As he knew where James was slaying, MFI went over there, so he could do the equivalent of 'hi Mum'

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

R.I.P. Marlaine - A Great Runescape Blogger

It was with great sadness that I learned last night that Marlaine had passed away IRL. H Alger and Fred both came to tell me, which I thank them for. Runescape lost a great player last December.   Marlaine was an inspiration to many Runescape bloggers. She certainly was for me. Marlaine's Musings featured on many a RSS feed, and was frequently the subject of a Runescape Digest post. She will be missed greatly by those who thrilled to her in game adventures, as so wonderfully chronicled by

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

I <3 Fake

I bumped into Fake (aka Tree Helpers) in Varrock West Bank and he gave me the water talisman that I needed! :D

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

Runescape 2007: Back to the Beginning of it All

Zach and I stood fishing on the shores of Port Sarim, rushing our catch to the range at Rimmington. A few yards away, Tabt raised her combat level on over-sized rats. Miles away in Falador and Varrock, MFI and Low-Ki were busily fighting for mining spots. Their ores were smelted into armour for us all.   Someone died halfway across the world. Helm Larder called out in dismay, "I can't get to you! It's hard when you can't get anywhere much in two minutes." It was a sentiment echoed throug

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

So It's 2007....

'I had a moral dilemma yesterday standing in Varrock Bank. I was selling anti poison potions and had been for a while, when a group of PKers came in. I naturally did a roaring trade, as half of them had been poisoned and I'd lifted my embargo on selling to PKers. But then one woman, obviously dying from poison, came and stood next to me, just going, 'help me' over and over again...' Feeling Evil - my first blog entry on Sal's Realm - April 5th 2007   Thus it all began. Days which we ne

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

Jagex Glassdoor Reviews

Is anyone else reading with interest the reviews of Jagex on Glassdoor?   While I'm well aware that it's most likely the disaffected and unhappy who write on such sites, it does make fascinating reading. And it confirms all that we've been thinking about the input of Insight Venture Partners.

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

Canting! We Need You!

I've just received a message from MsClick. We need just four more people to pass through the doors of the citadel before the reset, in order to upgrade.   The work is done. It's just a head count now. Run! Run! Please run! There's a loom upgrade resting on this!   *blows kisses into the wake of Canters* Thanks!

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

Vivathia's Say

Towards the end of last month, two players were permanently banned from Runescape. They had not broken any rules.   When I first heard this story, I reacted like I guess that most of you are reacting right now. 'Yeah, yeah, they must have done something! Botting? RWT?' I've seen screen-shots of their ban logs. Fargrist and Vivathia were both manually removed from the game, no reason given. They naturally appealed. Their appeals were rejected within hours. No evidence supplied. Still

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

Hiscores October 1st 2012

I've barely stepped foot in Runescape this past couple of months. I do miss the Canting gang, and I do feel guilty about not pulling my weight in the citadel. But every time I log in, I see that Squeal of Fortune crap appear. It reminds me of all who left. It reminds me that this game is no longer a reasonably level playing field. It strips away all that I loved about Gielinor. It does not put me in a great frame of mind to just carry on regardless.   Terraria is much less stressful.  

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

The TRUTH About Calanon and MFI

I've met them now and they are both ridiculously tall. They are also a lot younger than you imagine, when you are canting with them on the interwebz.   I'm with them in a city centre, typing on a Mac in an Apple Store.   Testing complete.

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

Mod Poppy Leaving Jagex

It was with great sadness that I learned today that Mod Poppy has left Jagex. I appear to be a couple of days behind the news, but thank you to Tasoansteel for letting me know.   I was genuinely shocked when I found out about this. I've met Poppy three times now and, on each occasion, her love and enthusiasm for the company seemed boundless. She really appeared to love her job; and that feeling was infectious. Even when I was mid-rant and furious with the direction Jagex had chosen to unde

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

Relationship Advice

Who was the blogger who used to (possibly still does) give advice on relationships? I've got one for him here.   You probably all know by now that I'm writing loads of articles over on Wizzley. As part of that, I have an analytics program which, amongst other things, tells me what people have typed into search engines to find my stuff. I was looking through it earlier, when one question leapt out at me. I based a whole article on it.   I'd be grateful if you'd read the query and add yo

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

Egghebrecht Leaves Runescape Over Squeal of Fortune

Another good man left Runescape today. In reality, it's not the day that Egghebrecht walked out - that was when Squeal of Fortune was introduced to the game - it's merely the moment when his membership finally ran out. You can read all about it, in his words, over on his blog.   So many people going. Their names are in danger of merging together, a list on a memorial board, while new players rush into the breech never knowing that Runescape was once a game that we enjoyed and had fun in.

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

Canting Beats Sal's Realm (Again)

Canting Away met Sal's Realm of Runescape in Soul Wars today. Naturally Canting emerged victorious! Thank you very much for those players on both sides, who came to join in.   I do love my clan! I love the healthy mix of terrifying fighters and laid-back skillers, which lead to comments like these:       I'm soooo ferocious that I will hold my meetings in the cooking guild and delay preparing for the fight, because I'm too busy cooking sardines after strange stones! Ra

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

Hiscores on July 1st 2012

In truth, I've barely logged on this past month. In between a busy time IRL and that sense of sickness that I feel whenever I see Squeal of Fortune, there's neither been the time nor inclination. I miss my Canting friends and I miss the fact that Runescape used to be my stress relief. Naturally the latter spikes in between disappearing to IRL friends' houses for short breaks.   That said, goals do remain the same. That's primarily to raise defence, strength and attack to level 91. There

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

No More Radio Silence: My Jagex Trip

Before I go into the fine detail about my trip to Jagex, I want to address the contentious issues of Squeal of Fortune and the NDA. I know that many of you reading will only be interested in those, so it'll save you wading through the rest of my waffle.   There was a NDA, as we all knew that there would be. It wasn't the one on the door, that everyone has to sign. It was a separate, single-side of A4 letter, which was handed to me by Mod Poppy. It was in plain English, not legal speak, and it

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

Pictures from Fred's Leaving Party

That's the remaining people crying after Fred logged out.   Sorry I didn't get everyone on this! I was too busy helping set, then stamping on balloons while we were all there. Then only started taking proper party pics after most of Canting had left!   We did get a star turn-out though. Spirit of RS turned up to say goodbye to Fred in person. Spirit of RS is one of Runescape's most passionate player defenders on the RSOF.  

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

Hiscores at the Beginning of May 2012

I'm obviously going after those three at level 90, though it's a long haul as I'm not playing so much at the moment. Real life keeps happening to me. The obvious way forward is to do Slayer until I get 91 in Defence, Strength and Attack. As Slayer is the next one up, that will tick four boxes. Beyond that, I'm not sure where to put things like Penguin Points. Summoning or Slayer are both favourites.   You might have spotted that I'm finally closing in on my first 99. I half don't want to

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

Face to Face with FatWrecked

Warlock and Gri3f had begged until I went to do a Dungeon with them. It was the usual chaos of me basically trying to keep out of trouble, while they, Dan M and Luftwaffe raced about being efficient. Warlock assured me that keeping out of trouble was the best that he could hope for me. Win!   There wasn't time for another Dungeon after that, so we all made our way out and into the foyer. I lagged well behind, too busy chatting in Canting to react to anything quickly. But when I did step u

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

Canting Event: Fred Gwyar's Leaving Drop Party

On May 6th 2012, at 4pm GMT, all members of Canting Away are cordially invited to come to the Canting citadel. It's Fred Gwyar's leaving party and it will include around 30m gp worth of drops too.   Not just Canting, but Gielinor itself is losing a very good man here. I doubt that there is anyone in our clan, who hasn't benefited from his good heart over the years. No gravestone left unblessed; no losses suffered without his generosity in gifts and a consoling word; no battling into unknown

Merch Gwyar

Merch Gwyar

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