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Partying like it's 1999 since 1999.

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Windows 7 Sucks

>Buys new Win7 laptop >Error free for 2 months >Today computer starts up in Windows98 colors/fasion/style >All programs are running as if I just installed them (no bookmarks in Chrome, ventrilo server gone) >Most other programs have been "half" deleted (Windows Movie Maker won't run, files are there, same with League and Starcraft) >Restart computer >Gets worse >Spend hours on the internet trying to find solutions >Microsoft has no solutions >No third party



Le Sigh

>Go out for once to meet new people >Meet a really beautiful girl who is Japanese and speaks it. XBOX HUEG AWESOME FOR ME (should be obvious why) >We hang out all day >We hang out all the next day >We don't even bang/sex it up >We have a lot in common, sex doesn't matter. >I tell her I think she's cool and we should date >She tells me she's going back to Japan in 2 days. >Le sigh.   Damn you world! I'll get you next time~!



Mirai Nikki

First episode: Cool. That's new   Second episode: Wait... Wut.   Few episodes later: KJRgq09u549qu45gigjlkwq4hjlkjl this is awesome.




Never took you for that kind of person.     Your respect for others and other things is purely awesome.



A Bit Late To The Party

But totally worth it.   I found the DBZ Abridged series and stayed up all night last night watching it.   Worth it.



Wtf Happened To My Reach?

Game 1: >Start assassinating someone >They get out of it and melee me, resulting in my death   Game 2: >Get shot by a rocket, person who did it was point blank. >They walk out with their shields still up, wtf   Game 3: >I voted for Team Slayer on Timberland >Everyone else votes Oddball on some lame level.   Game 4:* >Private, and two Recruits on my team. >They have all max ranks on their team, or near max ranks.   Game 5: >I start shooting someone with



I Think It's Time To Bring Back Charlie Sheen

This time we have him in a movie, a comedy movie of course, where a bunch of people need to get something from some impossible place - like the bottom of a lava lake - and Charlie walks up "It's okay guys I got this one."   "BUT ITS LAVA YOU'LL BURN TO DEATH"   "It's okay, I got tiger blood"   Like one quick scene like that.



Why Riot, Why?

Riot Games is making League Of Legends easier. Targeted at casual players and noobs. They're taking the same path as World of Warcraft.     DID WE NOT LEARN OUR LESSON FROM 80 CAP FROM WOW?




My friend burned music he made himself onto my xbox so I can listen when ever I want. Now I can't take it off to an MP3 player or other source...     How does I share xbox moosic?



Reread All Of Mt

The art transformation is huge and the story line is great.   Which brings me to my question:   What's a good site to view manga online? Raw/translated works.



Wait... Wat

So I was browsing forums while listening to music via foobar2k when my monitor turns black and then displays "Frequency out of range" message. I press the restart button on my computer and now it won't even show BIOS anymore.   I think my video card just died on me. Anyone have a spare PCIx-16 card that they don't need?



My Brain Is Full Of ****

I'm the GameMaster and the Player is... someone with a low IQ... This is ALMOST a copy/paste from. I just changed "Player" and "GM" from the original forms.   Player: i have a problem with donating GM: Okay what's wrong? Player: i didnt get the email confirmation thing GM: We're having problems with our mail server right now. To fix this, open a support ticket in the control panel. Tell them your issue there. Player: okay. so what do i do? GM: Open a support ticket.. Player: where? GM:



Fallout: New Vegas

Start out really fun. New kind of first person shooter + rpg. First time touching the Fallout series. Game was quite fun for about 12 hours... Then things got bad.     Spelling mistakes, glitches, and tons of failed loads make me have a big case of "I am disappoint" for this game.   I've had to restart my Xbox multiple times in a row, each time failing to load the current game I was in. I've noticed quite a number of spelling mistakes, not including slang. I've been blocked from walking




Got my servers back up and running.   They won't be accessing the internet at all though. Just for home streaming and data storage.



Musically Challenged

Okay I'm trying to find a musical genre.   Personally I don't believe in the word "genre" as thats just a classification of sounds. All music is music to me.   Anyways.. I digress.   I'm looking for music that features the sitar and throat singing. Either/or/both. Does anyone have any favorites they can link me to so I can start expanding my musical ear in this direction more?



Coffee Cuts

After watching this video I was sold.     I just got home. I bought two turn tables (Technics 1200's) and a cheap mixer.   Time to learn how to scratch like her. <_<



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