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Partying like it's 1999 since 1999.

Entries in this blog

Break From Networking

Will continue my explanation of TCP and UDP protocols on the transportation layer soon. So for now, enjoy the dancing cat.   ~600kb



Tcp Vs Udp [part 1]

In this entry, I'll be talking about the TCP and UDP protocols in the transportation layer and how they work. I did tell everyone in my previous blog that I would teach them some things from my networking class, didn't I?   Why would any application use UDP? What is the “cost” of all this reliability and flow control of TCP? Streaming media, real-time multiplayer games and voice over IP (VoIP) applications that do not require reliability mechanisms and may even be hindered by them.   TCP p



Streaming Media On My Xbox!

Finally! I figured out why I couldn't configure my Xbox 360 to stream media files on my laptop (of course, on the same LAN). The router I was using blocked my laptop from communicating with my Xbox 360 (never figured out why) so I just replaced it. I used to have to burn DVD's, then watch on my DVD player to watch on my tv, but now I can just stream from my laptop!   Currently watching some Myth Busters, season seven!



G U I L T Y G E A R ! ! !

WOOOO!!! Finally got myself a copy of Guilty Gear X2#Reload. It's very nostalgic to me because it was the game I LOVED to play before I moved away from Japan. I beat cakes as Dizzy. Dizzy is my favorite <3. So here's a few images (extracted from the game) of Dizzy!  



Vlc Snapshot Dump V2

If previewing this page, brace for a lot of images to load! A friend of mine requested some images from anime So I'm going to place them here for easy access.          



List Of Good Animu

Updated, added a few to the list on Sunday, the 26th of September 2010   Below is a list of my most recently watched anime, along with some of my favorites, and other good recommendations. For more information about any of these, copy/paste the name and go to google/wikipedia. If you have google chrome (like me) you can simple high light -> right click -> "Search Google 'x' " option.   Haibane renmei** Nea 7 Gunbuster Vandread Saga Lain Mahou Raba Comic Party Berserk* Rahxephon



Gender Confusion... Wat

It has come to my attention that people think I'm female.   Ok slow down. I have just ONE x and ONE y. I'm male. A man, a boy, whatever you want to call it. Have you been confused/tricked by my signatures/avatar? It's simple. I'd rather be looking at girls than guys, so I make my av/sig's focused around females.     That is all.




I've enrolled in a Cisco Networking Academy (college, lol) and I'll be posting interesting things I learn from that class in my blog. It's the basics (CiS 81, Networking Fundamentals) so a lot of the things will be review for me.   First thing I found really awesome on my first day was this program. A VERY powerful program for emulating a network (network simulator). It shows everything.



Dj Werd

I found a really cool DJ the other day while I was riding the internet waves (surfing internets). A lot of his music is really amazing and put together well. I'd classify him as Hip Hop, Trip Hop, and MAYBE a little bit of techno. Check him out here   I'm currently hooked to this track.



Random Vlc Snapshots

Making this into a blog so I can show some people easier.   Bonus points if you can name the characters/anime that these screenshots are from.   Hint: The dragon gives it away     Hint: Street fighter knock off?   Hint: A handsome fox   Hint: Forbidden love causes pain   Hint: Shut up! Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!



I Will Not Help Translate For You.

Just for reference, I don't do Eng->Jap or Jap->Eng translations. If I were to do that, I'd be doing it all day long, and I just don't want to be 'the translator'



People Who Suck At Making Music

The following list is a list of people who suck at making music. I'm surprised people actually LIKE their "sounds"   Lil Wayne Kayne West 50 Cent



My Lan

Woo. Just got an xbox 360 with free Live for 1 year.




I have two projects currently running right now One is currently stalled because I do not have a qualified graphical artist (see this thread). It is a website I'll be making for myself, a homepage on a friends USA-Based server.   My second protect is finding registry entries in Windows XP and editing them to my liking. I'm stuck on renaming fields in the red box. (If you know how, please let me know/push in the right direction).   Red box issue



Mah B-day Woot

http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/7317/86969229.png   I wonder if any of my old friends are around?



Best. Cellphone. Ringtone. Ever.

Well?! Are you excited?! Okay neither am I, but I thought it would be great.   Anyway, here's the song. It's from Final Fantasy VII, right after the first.. "boss" http://tinyurl.com/2xtw66




I bought some new speakers for my car. I'm stoked.



Signature Log

In this entry I will keep a log of all my signatures. Comments welcome, flames are for squares.   CURRENT:   PAST [in order from newest to oldest]:   Retired: May 6, 2011 Retired: Nov 26, 2010 Retired: Sep 1, 2010 Retired: Feb 21, 2010 Retired: Feb 2, 2010 Retired: Jan 31, 2010 Retired: Jan 25, 2010 Nov 16, 2009 Jan 31, 2008 Jan 28, 2008 V [undated] V GIFTS: Reaper: Reaper Again: Redmonke: Zooey: You! [/img]



Are You A Zie Fan?

[img=http://img136.imageshack.us/img136/5940/zieundergw5.png]   I am, are you?   [img=http://img120.imageshack.us/img120/3546/nekoisthebombru8.png]   Now you can be a fan of me!



How The Hell?

16 posts and two warns. http://runescape.salmoneus.net/forums/inde...?showuser=56323   I wanna see what his warn log says.



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