rum deal,family crest maybe contact and even roving elves (thats definately for roving elves)
All of them have a high level boss and for the first two I need to train some skills for family crest i need to train mage to lvl 56 and then use a wizards mind bomb and for rum deal farming and prayer.And all of them have a boss witha lvl over 149 :D *gulp*
No I havent found a way to make kalphite tur into plants (omg!!! sunphite queen run for your life)
I discovered that I had the endurence to kill 118 kaplhite (boredom) ( I also got 47 slayer and 66 defence :) )
And im also going to give out to the world my method in vinesweeping!!(ok maybe its got too many exclamations)
Ok rule no.1 always inspect first if youre unsure dont risk it (this is the way that i play i mean no offence to anybody at all)
rule no.2 If you are certain pla
Royal trouble final battle the sea snake
three monsters lvl 65 or about that much lvl 90 and lvl 149
I wasnt scared when I was going to fight the lvl 65 (lvl 65 realy easy(I tought)) so I started stabbing away at it with a dragon dagger at first i was hitting pretty well and then i started hitting 0s but it was still a very easy fight I didnt eat tough wanted to save everyhting for the deadly fight at the end. the lvl 90 was much easier few seconds and i finished it off.
the last one w