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Shadow Of The Storm

I wanted to do 'Shadow of the Storm' so that I could carry on with the 'Recipe for Disaster' quest. It took me a while to prepare, mainly because I was wandering around the wrong mining areas after silver. I finally remembered that there were silver mines in Al-Kharid, so took myself there. Within seconds, a green dot appeared on my screen - it was Guildwars tracking me there, shortly followed by a second green dot, which was Pepsimax randomly turning up there.


We were doing a lot of that throughout the day. There were a whole gang of us all on World 77, either by accident or design, so you'd often be passing through an area and bumping into someone on the chat channel as they passed through too. It was fun!


Back to the quest and I was finally ready, albeit with a run back to the bank to grab a shield and some waterskins, as I'd forgotten. This is another quest where space in your inventory is at a premium. I had three changes of clothes for the final part - desert robes to hang around outside, black robes to get into the 'evil' gang and dragonhide for when the demon turned up. On top of that, I had to leave room for a book and four demonic sigils, before I could even think about waterskins, food and potions.


As it was, I didn't take enough waterskins (ironic, given the amount I have in my bank) and, at one point, was so close to dying of thirst that Guildwars got as far as the Shanty Pass with water to rescue me! Fortunately, I finished talking to the golem and was able to stay indoors thereon. This was lucky indeed, as I eventually took more damage from the thirst than I did from the demon!


There is a lot of back story to this quest, which made it seem longer than it actually was in the guide. However, that information was all needful, so thank you guide writers.


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