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World 70 Zmi Fight Club

To be fair, I did start off runecrafting at the ZMI altar in World 70, after all, that's what it's there for. With three runs, I got 2600 odd xp, which isn't at all bad. On each return journey, I was fighting, having worked out that I could kill one mage, one ranger and one warrior, before I needed to run back. Twice (of the three) I reached the bank just as my prayer ran out.


However, I found that I was enjoying the fighting more than the runecrafting. I wasn't only getting the xp and the drops, but it's a good spot. You are covering the backs of your fellow players. It's a little like the anti-Wildy. This in mind, I banked my runes and took out a lot of salmon instead. Topped up my prayer at the altar there and went running back out to play.


At first, there were three other players doing this, so we pretty much safeguarded the central part between us to the extent where we had chance to pause between rounds, so to bury bones and wolf down a fish, before our victims respawned and got our skimmys in their faces again. Somewhere along the way though, my two companions disappeared and suddenly I was in trouble. I had two mages, one warrior and one ranger ALL turning their weaponry on me. The runecrafters were fine. I wasn't. LOL I took out as many as I could and ran for it. Prayer recharged and more fish in my bag, I ran out again, shortly to be joined by a couple of level 100s. Now it was really fun, picking and choosing my fights.


Meanwhile, in chat, Joshua Mack had decided to take advantage of this by coming runecrafting. I kept watching his green dot bob on by, as I took on yet another mage. I'd moved down a bit, onto the narrow part of the second path, which gave me one ranger, one mage and one warrior each respawning in turn. Unfortunately, this didn't give me much time to heal between fights, so I was constantly down to 50hp, topping myself up to that too. I hadn't been chatting much, because I couldn't, but I did respond to something, which knocked my sequence out. I shot down to 39 hp and was just eating salmon, when a blue-green arrow appeared from nowhere and took out the warrior who was attacking me. It was Joshua Mack. :D Thanks cariad.


I nipped off a while to answer a telephone call, then ran back to the bank to restock and, once back, Josh had disappeared. I was out for ages then, as the warriors seemed to be mostly leaving me alone. I stood in my position and got the sequence again. I was killing so many of them, but using no food whatsoever. I was spotting the same names time and time again passing by, some of them getting wise to this and so switching off their prayer as they rounded my corner. All in all, I was to gain 27024xp in attack (and the relative amount in hp too) fighting out there.


After a while, I really needed a breather though. Largely because it's difficult to roll a cigarette and watch your hp, whilst quickly shifting from one fight to the next, all at the same time. I stepped into the altar itself and stood at the back watching. People were being offered teleports and food, lower levels attaching themselves onto taxi chains led by higher levels. I was offered a teleport to Fally, via a lovely bloke called Alex and his teleother skills. I declined, but thanked him. It seemed like a true community out there.


I stepped back out into the path and started fighting. The breather had been enough for the half hour rule to be over (where monsters no longer attack you), so I was immediately beseiged by all three of my victims, all now respawned together as I wasn't there to stop it. Having stupidly not anticipated this, and having given most of my food away to battered people inside the altar, I was very quickly in trouble. I took out two more, but had to flee back into the altar with 20hp and no prayer left.


I spotted no taxi chains and Alex had disappeared. I waited a little while, then stood by the stones and asked,

'Any chance of a taxi back?' No response. I added, 'No food or prayer left'. I recognized names from the two hours I'd been there, watching them hurry by, but not one of them repaid my long defence of them with the offer of safe passage back. Instead, one person called out,

'You'll have to go the safe route then won't you?'


I was going to restock and carry on, but I didn't. I walked the safe route, took out a teleport and went to fight elsewhere instead. If World 70 doesn't want fighters defending their routes, then I'm sure the message will soon be received loud and clear, after all, it's not like the drops are brilliant.


Edit: Kuemper :wub:A Simple Thanks


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2.6k exp in 3 runs is very good for rc. Since with deaths(highest non-zmi rune possible to craft) 10*28=280*3=840 so that is very good :crying:



I'm happy this altar-native :mad: experience came out because sometimes I just want the XP. Sometimes people don't want to help those who helped them - I'll confess, I do that myself. I feel sorrow that you're put out by this.

Magic of Woodcut


Merch I know that this has nothing to do with the entry at the top of this page. I have a question ( You may tell me on ur clan,pm me, or comment back on my blog). OK here goes. I'd like you to explain to me how to crop and put a picture on sals,such as when u go to equipped items and look at yourself, I know how to crop it , I just want to know how to put it on sals once it is as a picture on a paint or IrfanView. Please respond. :mad:



halp merch r a smoker1!111! plz dunt kil urself u wnt respawn in Wayles -.- :(((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((=-----------------------=Yay for flying greeny-blue arrows!

Merch Gwyar


2.6k exp in 3 runs is very good for rc. Since with deaths(highest non-zmi rune possible to craft) 10*28=280*3=840 so that is very good :(
I thought so. :D I just wasn't in a runecrafting mood after all. I was in a fighting mood. :P
I'm happy this altar-native :P experience came out because sometimes I just want the XP. Sometimes people don't want to help those who helped them - I'll confess, I do that myself. I feel sorrow that you're put out by this.
If I was asking someone to come to the other side of Runescape to give up hours of their time, then I might be more sympathetic. But all that was needful was to allow someone to tag along, as they taxi-ed along a route which they were going already. When I'd been in five minutes before, a couple of players were doing this anyway, but had evidentally disappeared by then. These were players whose names I recognized and who must have recognized me, as some of them had been switching off their prayer as they rounded my corner, in the knowledge that I was a) drawing the fire of the ranger, mage and warrior and b) killing them. I'd had myself so positioned. To me, that was just bad-minded and ultimately damaged then as, thereafter, I wasn't inclined to defend that portion of the route. They now had to keep their prayer on and take the damage, because not one of them could be bothered to taxi me back to a place to which they were already going. In effect then, they cut their nose off to spite their faces. I took the safe route back and eventually went to kill crocodiles to get my 72 hitpoints (and therefore 88 combat) instead.I've also done some sums. Two hours of fighting Zammy people on that route netted me 27024xp in attack, which looked extremely good and therefore a selfish reason to add to the altruistic reason of being there. Off to the crocodiles thereon. I killed 119 of them for slayer, followed by 25 goats for their horns. I got 31940xp in that session, which was far less exciting and had no drops, but was considerably shorter.I have no doubt that World 70 will eventually become as organized as World 66 and World 99 were/are for runecrafters. There are already strong signs of this happening, including, so I heard being advertized near the bank, a chat channel solely for the use of those crafting in that place and time. Attracting fighters there to cover the routes is apparently fairly easy, insofar as I did it and witnessed at least 10 others in the time I was there. However, keeping them there is another matter. My stamina, during those couple of hours, was the longest. The cohort changed frequently, with notable occasions when I was alone (until Joshua Mack noted my difficulty and let his arrows fly :P), causing runecrafters themselves to be diverted from their runs into taking out their weapons. The drops include runes, coins and addy longswords, with aren't brilliant, but will do. I reckon I banked around 12k in coins alone, but couldn't pick up all that I'd caused to be dropped as the fighting is so incessant. Frequently the drops will be three cooked lobsters, which is why I could stay out for so long without banking, whilst taking so much damage. The xp appears to be much better elsewhere. Hopefully, once World 70 becomes fully analysed and therefore more tightly organized, it will take into account the fact that the selfish reasons for fighters being there are so negligable, that the strongest reason therefore becomes altruism. You will start to hear more 'thank yous', as people pass, and the regular users, at least, will be noting names for the World 70 chat channel (or to mention amongst themselves at banks and altars) so that if that fighter does need something as simple as a taxi back, it will more readily be given.
Merch I know that this has nothing to do with the entry at the top of this page. I have a question ( You may tell me on ur clan,pm me, or comment back on my blog). OK here goes. I'd like you to explain to me how to crop and put a picture on sals,such as when u go to equipped items and look at yourself, I know how to crop it , I just want to know how to put it on sals once it is as a picture on a paint or IrfanView. Please respond. -.-
I'm making this up as I go along, but I used instructions given on Sal's forum. This was before the Tutorials section, but I've just been in there and there's an excellent section on it:Graphics
halp merch r a smoker1!111! plz dunt kil urself u wnt respawn in Wayles :P :P((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((((=-----------------------=Yay for flying greeny-blue arrows!
:P And yes! Yay for flying greeny-blue arrows!


Merch.....You're a smoker!?!?! :blink:I didn't know that. Well, my parent,s are smokers aswell, so I'm used to it. Anyway, Congrats on the attack exp! :)And what do those mages/warriors/rangers drop?

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