Olaf's Quest
It's not often that I get to the end of a quest and think, 'was that it?' The easy quests have a reputation for being so, while the hard ones make you work for your rewards. I'd heard terrible things about 'Olaf's Quest', largely regarding the walkway. The guide bills it the 'annoying' part, but I know from experience that some guide writers have a talent for understatement. 'Annoying' could very well mean 'you will want to tear your hair out and gnaw on your own foot rather than put up with another three hours of trying to do this blasted part of the quest'. This was precisely the impression that I'd received about it, though, to be fair, those reports came in day one, when a glitch made the walkway impossibly hard for anyone without an agility skill cape.
Having not heard much about it in the meantime, I packed for longevity and hard agility. I planted a whiteberry bush, to be harvested when I return several days later. I added the quest items: spade, tinderbox and axe, an agility pot (I hovered over two... I don't know...), a prayer pot and so much monkfish that I had to go back and bank most of it again once I discovered the three ropes and barrel malarkey.
I meandered on down, did the present deliveries, walked through a tunnel which threatened pneumonia and that's about it, pwned a skeleton with two hits for a key, solved the world's easiest puzzle (you pull four levers and press confirm) and I was ready to face the dread walkway.
Here's where I'd gone through an agony of choice. I'd initially worn my black dragonhide, for its lightness, but my mind kept straying to the level 100 boss at the end. I studied the pictures. Everyone had started off uniformly in black dragonhide, but by the end, they are all in granite. It seemed that I'd have to cross the walkway, even if I bested it in dragonhide, then went to change. It all sounded like so much hassle that I thought I'd at least attempt it in melee outfit (rune platebody, dragon skirt, klanks gauntlets, rune kite, dragon skimmy, ring of life, salve amulet (glory in my bag) and green, pointy hat).
I quickly learned that I could place one lot of rope and rotten barrel, then walk back to restock the next lot. At level 60 agility, boosted to level 64 with an agility potion, I was within a step or two of the gate before I fell for the first time. I took no damage and could practically click back to the tree where I washed up. I ran this time and arrived fairly quickly back at the walkway. Within two steps, I'd fallen again. The legend informed me that you can't run on the walkway, as it's too slippery. Oh. I returned, switched off run, and walked right to the end without a single slip more. Two slips! And one of them for running! Wow!
I did have to wait for a Fremmenik Skeleton (which wasn't aggressive) to move his bony bottom before I could proceed into the cove, but that was only because I couldn't find a 'walk here' option through him. Ridiculously quickly, for all the build up, I'm now facing the boss. Ok. I created full screen, the better to reach my prayer, double-checked my arsenal, health and presence of my ring of life. Let's go. I then, without once using prayer or even a nibble of fish, pwned the boss with five whacks of my sword. Yes, you did read that right. (Combat level 89: 71 in att, def and str, 73 hp) He didn't even damage me once.
So, quest complete. Was that it?
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