In Aid Of The Myreque
'In Aid of the Myreque' is a daunting quest to start. The listed of items needed seems to go on forever, something which you wouldn't mind too much, but for the fact that even the most cursory glance at the guide reveals that you are going to have to go to the other side of the swamp in Morytania and all of these items aren't going to fit in one inventory.
I think I started collecting them some time before, as I've had a piece of swamp paste in my bank forever. However, when I came to look for it, I couldn't see it. Assuming that I'd sold it when I was pretty much liquidating my bank to pay back Construction debts, I went and bought another. It immediately disappeared when stored in my bank, leading me to find the original one. :o As a side-note, when I eventually came to use it, miles away from the nearest serviceable bank, I found that I'd left it behind and so had to go and buy another from the shop in Morton.
Having finally amassed everything needed, I studied the guide properly for efficient ways to make this trip. There weren't any, so I just had to accept that I was going to be crossing the swamp a lot. In the actuality though, this wasn't too bad. I've only ever made the journey before on an extremely lagging computer, so the first delight was that I could cross the bridge as quickly as I'd witnessed others doing so. The arrival of ghasts didn't make me stand still for ages and moreover the high detail gave me things to look at that I hadn't seen before.
Though this quest had all of the hallmarks of one I was going to hate, it turned out to be a lot of fun. There were only two trips over the swamp for supplies (and a couple to the shop in Morton) before I repaired a bank down there and so could use that. Yay! I wish I'd done this quest months ago, as a bank down there would have been useful on so many occasions. I also enjoyed standing on the roof of the general shop for a while, looking out over a vista of... well swamp and ruined buildings, but pretty in its way.
Escorting Ivan to the temple seemed, from the guide, to be a frustrating moment, but the reality wasn't too bad. I chose route 1, the harder but shorter route and, after a while staring at the guide map and trying to fit it to my knowledge of the environs of Canifis, I gave up and just did it. It's a cut scene area. :o I also missed my chance, the first time, to give Ivan his personally handsmithed steel armour and cooked snails. I was expecting it to happen in dialogue, but we were already in the cut scene area before I even thought to just use them on him. He wasn't interested, he just wanted to get out of there. I tried to manoveneur to into the safe-spot shown in the guide, but that wasn't happening and so he fled. Once back at the hide-out, I used the items on him and so our next foray out into vampire-infested lands had him armoured and fed. I tried again for the safe-spot, but ended up with both vampires attacking him. He fled. Round three, I gave up on any safe-spots and just stood where we'd arrived into the scene, pwned both vampires and job's a good 'un.
I've said that I enjoyed this quest, but I did think that the rewards didn't match the length or work done in it. I've been there for hours for just 2k experience in three areas? Ok, the bank was worth it, but I'm not sure it was worth getting past that point other than for completeness. However, I'm strongly suspecting that I've just done a quest which was supposed to be a hard one for lower combat level players, rather than just a long one for my level. ^_^
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