Grim Tales
I'm so going to run out of quests to do and then be thwarted when I'm in a quest mood. Unfortunately, I'm in one at the moment, as they are much more fun with a fast computer in high detail. So I looked through the pitiful few remaining and ruled out 'Devious Minds' as too hard, then ruled out 'Mourning's End Pt 2' as Cougar wouldn't be awake at this time in the morning. She wants to come with me on it. That left 'Grim Tales'.
I started 'Grim Tales' ages ago, so it was mostly finding out where I'd got to. Not very far, so it transpired. All I'd done was speaK to Syras to start the quest. I went to see the griffin, which was really straightforward and I had a giggle over the line where he says that you wouldn't call a carrot Jasper, would you? Ermmm... yes...
Jasper Carrot
It would be so much fun to have a Runescape References database, where we could put all of these finds. I can't remember ever seeing one on any website. I won't suggest it though, as I'm already writing for the paper and writing a guide. I'll end up writing for Sal's more than I'm on Runescape itself!
I then had to pause while all the electrics went off in the house, while another plug socket was created downstairs. Had a bit of breakfast, pottered around the house, reconnected the other computer with its new plug socket, introduced my parents to You Tube and old episodes of 'Andy Pandy' and 'Rin Tin Tin'... oh yes, I was doing a quest.
The sequences with Rupert and then the witch were fun, then it came to the final fight. I really under-estimated this one. A level 138 giant with prayer sounded easy enough, especially when compared with what I had to fight last night. I packed two prayer pots (one with only 3 doses in it) and then lingered over the super set. I had a super-defence with only 2 doses in, but the other two were all nicely piled in 4 dose bottles. If I took those two, I'd end up with two 3 dose bottles sitting there taking up space. Mmmmm... I just packed the super-defence alongside the 5 doses of prayer potion, then included the five sharks which had miraculously escaped yesterday. Soon as I got up the ladder, I realized my mistake. A level 138 giant that heals itself and switches off your prayer (both of which I was warned about in the guide, if I'd only pay closer attention) is a lot harder than a level 138 giant that just stands there waiting to die.
With my prayer potion all gone and my prayer itself drained away, I took a bite of shark and noted that the giant was only half-dead. It wasn't going to happen. A second later I was in the Ectofunctus Temple telling myself to prepare more carefully for round two. This time I took a full super-set and five 4 dose prayer potions, as well as the four remaining sharks. The fight was much easier. I actually only used two vials of prayer potion, plus a single sip from another and ate a single shark, as the super-set made a huge difference in the battle.
The xp gained from this quest saw me reach level 76 hitpoints (no new combat levels to report) and level 79 woodcutting. Woot!
So two left. Do I accept the inevitability of things and just aim for a Quest Cape now? There was a conversation along those lines in 'Canting Away' last night, where all voices advocated it. I did remark to Cougar that me getting a Quest Cape would surely devalue it, lol, and Wolf sweetly responded that, on the contrary, it would render it 10x more valuable.
If I am to do the final two quests, my first priority is food. In the past, I've always had 100s of cooked monkfish, then a pile of preciously guarded cooked shark. I can't fish shark, let alone cook it yet, so it's not something that I can replenish on my own without buying it. Where it's mostly come from is Pen, who handed me a pile of them once, then also cooked the raw sharks that I'd got from mogre fighting. When I ran out of monks, a few weeks back, I started plundering the sharks, while out on quests. It was a downward spiral, which soon saw them nearly gone. Then during that fun night out in the Wild, Josh handed me a handful of sharks, despite my protests that I'd probably die carrying them. Nontheless, he pressed them onto me and they are what have seen me through the last three quests.
To do list: 1, Get backside up into Piscatoris and fish some monks. 2, Go to Mudskipper Point and range mogres until they drop sharks. 3, Cook the monks. 4, Stalk Zach, Pen and any other cooking nubs until they agree to cook the sharks just to get rid of me.
That will see me through 'Mourning's End Pt 2'. I already have a death talisman, which I understand makes that quest much shorter. So next my attention goes to the hard quest left: 'Devious Minds'. Requirement = 65 Smithing. I've had mature dwarven stout stashed in my bank for months, so really I only need to get to level 63 smithing. *taps away in the skill calculator* If I change my cooking gauntlets into smithing gauntlets, that's just over 2000 gold bars to smelt. Cougar was saying that she did it at level 60, using spicy stew. That's a possibility too. As I would ideally like all my stats to be around level 70 (before pushing them all to level 80), I looked that up too. Just under 9k gold bars smelted would do that, again with smithing gauntlets. I could add a mithril armour stand to my house then! ^_^
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