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Zach Takes On The Madness

I remember well what it was like doing 'Monkey Madness'. The sheer disorientation in deadly surroundings, that not even a cast of thousands helping me could quite alleviate. I doubt that I would have survived it without them though. Since then, I've not been able to help anyone, because the one time I tried, my computer was so laggy that I was neither use nor ornament. This evening was the first time I could do it with a computer fast enough to be of any help and it was fun!


After making up a load of super energy potions, I was at the jail way too early to meet Zach. I'd already led half a dozen people to safety by the time Josh joined me and between us, we called instructions to a handful more. By the time Zach was there, we were so polished at it. Nontheless, it still required great timing on his part and he did it. I've never seen anyone get out of that jail as quickly and efficiently as Zach the first time. We were soon round with Karam, then in the storeroom, smooth as you like. Josh even showed us where we could get phr33 bananas, so we feasted. I argued for Zach teleporting out for the first tunnel survival run, which he did accompanied by Josh and I. It was all good.


However, the second jail break didn't go quite according to plan. Hawk, Josh and I were in place, Zach knew what he was doing, but there was that spider... To be fair, he did get out alright. :) What do you mean, weren't we looking after him properly?




For some reason, the third jail-break was a nightmare. Hawk and I were inside guiding him out, while Josh kept that gravestone alive for ages! Again, the spider was the biggest problem of all, as we had the pattern of the guard monkeys truly down pat now. But Zach was poisoned and very low on hitpoints. We spent a lot of time trying to trade anti-poison and food. In the end, we all wound up inside the cage of the jail, just to get him alive long enough to get out. Finally it happened! I legged it to the north, only to find that three green dots hadn't followed. :D I'd forgotten that, after all of Josh's efforts, Zach still had to pick up his stuff! LOL


We made it to Karam, where Zach finally received his food and was healed. Hawk was also poisoned and half-dead, after much spider pwning, so he was glad of the moment to heal too. Then it was into the temple. I'd told Zach to put on protect from range until he was in the doorway, then protect from melee. In retrospect, I should have paused at said doorway, instead of dragging him, still with protect from range on, within yards of the safe-spot. Ooops...


An extremely higher levelled player blessed the new grave almost immediately, though Josh and I guarded it nontheless. It showed no sign of disrepair the entire time! Go people over level 70 prayer! :) I'd only just worked out that Zach was back in jail and was just ascertaining that Hawk was on the case, when the call came that they were both at Karam again. Woot! I met them there and we were joined by other monkey players enjoying the escort, I think, unless they were friends of Zach's. The temple went extremely smoothly thereon, except for the bit where Zach realized he'd lost his mould somewhere along the way.


Back into the storeroom and down to where there were phr33 bananas. Yum! Unfortunately, as we left again, Zach lagged and accidentally ended up on the greeny-brown bit. Good job he was old hat at this. He got out of jail by himself and met us at Karam. Again, I've never known the temple bit go so smoothly. I remembered the safe spot down in the dungeon part, so led us in there once he'd got his amulet, so I could give him the wool and we could regroup. Turned out he didn't need the breather half as much as I had by that point. Plus he, Josh and I were up and out ridiculously easily, while the monkey's child part passed entirely without incident.


Guildwars was on hand to help with the final dash through the tunnel (as a human), bringing Wafflestein with him. He's so grown now! Bless him. That tunnel is such a different experience as a monkey. You saunter on through, ok getting battered and poisoned, but nothing you can't handle. I recall this stage in the proceedings, when people were dropping like flies and shouting at me, 'Go Merch! Go Merch!', as I ran for it. I saw the other side of that this time. Josh was poisoned, Zach paused as if to help. I screamed, 'Go Zach! Go Zach! I've got Josh!' Then I saw Josh running by, so I traded him. He meandered on over, took the anti, we strolled on up to where Zach and Guildwars had made it to the end. It's not half the crisis as it would have been as humans. LOL


Anyway, that's where we left him, Zach as a monkey at last and the smoothest version of Monkey Madness as I've ever seen. Good luck on the rest of the quest, Zach!


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Hehe, when it comes to me trying to help others at Monkey Madness... 3p1c f41lur3. >.<Just ask Wc/Rune.



Awesome. I was on Ape Atoll before anyone. :glasses: (Yay for monkeys as a slayer task) :greenhat:



Psh, I didn't have help whatsoever and I pulled it off without dieing once. Beat that. :greenhat:



Psh, I didn't have help whatsoever and I pulled it off without dieing once. Beat that. :unsure:
QFT, but it's nice to have escorts sometimes.
Merch Gwyar


Hehe, when it comes to me trying to help others at Monkey Madness... 3p1c f41lur3. >.<Just ask Wc/Rune.
I'm scared to ask what happened...
Awesome. I was on Ape Atoll before anyone. :aware: (Yay for monkeys as a slayer task) :cute:
Psh, I didn't have help whatsoever and I pulled it off without dieing once. Beat that. :unsure:
Go you!
Psh, I didn't have help whatsoever and I pulled it off without dieing once. Beat that. :wub:
QFT, but it's nice to have escorts sometimes.
This is true. I certainly wouldn't have made it without friends.


It would be a shame not to comment this right? :aware:Anyway I can not thank anyone who came enough. It was a really fun quest, and got me 80cb >.<

Merch Gwyar


It would be a shame not to comment this right? :aware:Anyway I can not thank anyone who came enough. It was a really fun quest, and got me 80cb :mad:
Hurrah! :yay:It was quite nice seeing it through from a calmer perspective.
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