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Demon Tide Update!

This is to the few of you who might actually be interested...


As you know, my story Demon Tide was never finished. After the fourth chapter was released in September, the thread died and I never kept it up with updates, news, etc. A few weeks ago, I decided to scratch what I had and rewrite it with a similar theme, similar characters, but a whole new perspective. Critical aspects and fundamental elements will be changed. I am attempting to keep what the people liked about Demon Tide while making the rest of the story even more like-able.


You can expect the first chapter this summer, once I finish up my Curse of Zamorak series, which should be by July-no promises, though. There will be no prologue and epilogue, but you can expect that this story will be much better than any of my previous works, especially considering the low quality of my first two novels (Age of Zaros and Age of War). Hopefully, Demon Tide will succeed in besting all of my current works.


The story will contain twenty five chapters, each of which is carefully planned out in both my head as well as on paper. You can expect the emotions from "A Great Lament" to be tied in well with an epic plot similar to that of Age of Zaros. All the while I will continue to annoy the Story Mat with short stories, with titles planned such as "A Devourer's Tale," "Overthrow," and "Of Gods and Demons."


Hopefully I'll see you all soon in the Runescape Stories section, my number one home here on Sal's!


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Wow nice job. Although I don't think you should limit the chapters because that limits the creativity. I also like how your writing more short stories.



The plot is all planned out, everything written down and ready to go, so any more creativity will have to be funneled into other short stories that you let die or possible future novels.


And, by the way, when are you going to start this month's story competition, and will it run the same way?

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