Hmmm Long While..
Been a long while since I put a blog on here... haha.
Well, things suck lately. Period.
Im at home again, rather then a dorm.. having to commute to college, one thing I always HATED the idea of...
I don't even have much to do here at home, sadly...
I even resorted to using an old free account i used to have on runescape, and training that while earning some money, haha.
But Runescape has changed so much since I quit... The layout, the graphics, stuff was added, etc... Its just strange now...
I long for the runescape where the wilderness was the only place to kill people. Where people used Forums to sell things unlike the new market now that even has a control on the max and min price. (True it got rid of scamming, but it also got rid of the guys who would pay outrageous prices just to get what they want, which was good for unrich people like me, haha). I long for a time in which summoning dictates part of your combat level. And what I hate the most, is the membership prices went up, lol.
But oh well. Ill find something else to pass the time... something a little more practical then runescape. Not saying others cant enjoy it, not saying its wrong to enjoy it. Just... its no longer for me...
*sigh* too much crap going on anyway to enjoy much of anything these days.
Let me say: Anyone whose younger then 18, realize you got hell to pay once you get into the real world, haha.
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