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My Life In A Bag

First off, things with my best friend aren't any better. They've remained at a constant low for the last two to three months now and it's quite depressing.


Secondly, I did horrible in my second Oral Interp tournament of the year, in my rounds (out of five) having the following scores: 3, 5, 3, 3. The good news is, I beat a team captain from my school. Actually, I don't know if that is such good news or not. >.<


The third thing on my agenda for today is that my debate room posts are now 1337. I'd like to keep it at that for a while. :wub: But seriously, I want to tone things down in the Debate Room, especially in the religious topics. They're really starting to take a drag on me, with constantly having to source everything I say, especially even the most blatantly obvious facts. This isn't a formal "I quit the debate room"-I might be present for a few more debates now and then, and I'll definitely stay in for foreign affairs topics, I just don't like all the stress that it comes with.


Lastly, I have two brand-new ideas for books. That's right, not short stories or twenty-page novels, but actual books. But, since it's not copyrighted yet, I can't really disclose a whole lot, now can I? :D


P.S: My high school lost the semi-final playoff game to some small-city school last night. We were 9-2, great season, but lost 17-21. They beat us 14-16 at the beginning of the year, too. Another depressing blow. I think that we'll do good in the next two years, however, since my class is especially good in athletics, along with the current Junior class, both grades, I predict, will have a lot more people moved up to varsity.


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Heeeey Fin,

Don't be afraid.



I miss seeing you around more, Fin. :( I've sort of noticed the Debate Room taking such a drag on you, and to be honest I'm surprised, and a little impressed, that you've consistently posted there for so long. Whenever I visit debates, especially religious ones, I typically get sick of them very quickly and then pull out for weeks. :s It's not that they tend to be the hardest to debate, just that people tend to be most disparaging of my deepest views, and that gets very annoying.


I can sympathize with you whole-heartedly about things with your best friend not going so well. I seem to have somehow caused a massive barrier between the girl I like and I, and it's incredibly frustrating to have someone you know and have respected and liked for so long have poor relations with you. :s And I'm sure you've known your best friend much longer than I've known the girl I like.


Here's hoping things start to work out better! :D Do you have an MSN? I've always thought it would be cool to talk to you on there, but I've never remembered to ask. :box:



Wow, I never knew we had such a connection. :o The Debare Room is indeed taking it's toll, wearing me down with several arguments going at once and so on. That's why I'm more or less trying to sum up each one, whether it ends in a draw, defeat or destruction. Some people you just can convince, either way. Also, the insults that get flung have reached an all-time low, at least in my time here. It's just getting depressing for me.


I've known my best friend for about a year and a half now, and we really became close last year. It's just that lately things haven't been going too well. As for my love-life, I've given up for now after a few somewhat succesful attempts last year. Hopefully, things will change by the end of the year.


And thank you, Aliath. :D

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