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Turn For The Worst

Well, I have good news and bad news. As tradition, I'll start with the good news.


I got back from my seminary visit today. I really love the brotherhood they got going on there, like everybody is close to everybody on a clase completely and totally unheard of in any other college dorms. It's kind of amazing. I really enjoyed the trip, and bowling last night (and football on the field) were quite fun. That would be a great place if I ever feel the call of the priesthood.


Now, for the bad news. Life is mean to me, and I don't understand it. I don't know why my best friend would do the things she's doing, namely being rude to me, brushing me aside, and getting annoyed for no apparent reason. It's like her attitude has totally changed towarsd me, and I don't know why. So I've done what any other non perfect person would do. I'm giving up.


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Dude, she's probably PMSing. I would know- I live in a house with only women.



Giving up... is actually sometimes the best thing to do in this situation. :/ Blah.


Just make sure you don't sever ties with her, though... as much as it hurts to lose a friendship, the ones that fall apart for no readily discernible reason are also, happily enough, the easiest to repair if your friend ever comes around and realizes that she wants things to be the way they used to. Stay on as good terms as possible, even if you are giving up on your friendship. :/


I'll pray for you guys to come to some sort of reconciliation; hope things work out. ;) Try not to feel too bad. You've been doing the best you can, if not the best humanly possible, and that's the best anyone could ask of you. :)

-CoSMIC Gears-


You know what they say..."Never give up." But maybe it's the right thing to do in this case. Have you aked her what's wrong yet?



Emanick, thank you!


Mohorak, perhaps.


And yes, I have asked her several times. The responses are always either nothing something minor which I try my best to fix (and succeed, at least in my opinion). For example, she said I used a certain phrase to often, so I stopped using it altogether. But even afterwards, she just gave another reason and another.


It's really all in God's hands now.

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