Lag, Lag, Lag
I woke up this morning feeling really good about Nomad. I knew that I had the supplies, the time, the experience and, by the time I'd read Neo Avatar's account of his fight, more tips to give it a go. What I hadn't counted upon was the lag.
I have been seriously lagging today. Half of Canting can give testimony to that, as they watched me popping on and off. Sometimes I didn't even have chance to move an inch, before I was away again. What makes this even more frustrating is that I'd got MisterTiz offering to loan me his Bandos Godsword today, as it would have come back from when he lent it to Timothy Gold. I mentioned this and Den the Men piped up that he'd loan me his instead. As Den was standing right next to me, in game, at the time, with the blood of Nomad still warm against his gs blade, I wanted to glomp him for the offer. However, I could barely get the words out for lag. There was no way that I could step foot near Nomad, when I couldn't even respond to Den the Men. *sigh*
Nomad aside, there were other things that I wanted to do too. I've got the level for the Dorgesh-Kaan high chests now. A nice bit of thieving and firemaking down there beckoned happily. I'm in a real thieving mood in Runescape at the moment and I'm a great believer in running with these things, if you're in the mood for them. It doesn't feel like grind then. I've also got only about 1000 gold ore to mine before I get enough for a smithing level. That doesn't take long down in the living rock caverns. I'm ridiculously close to a crafting level too, but doing air orbs requires a fair bit of running around. Nothing that I'd mind, if I could run around. Worst of all, Jaxana's minigame events has moved onto the one that I really would love to participate in - the Runecrafting minigame. It's everything that I want. A load of noobs on a quiet world, working out how this thing works, without the veterans shouting at us. That's at 9pm this evening. I've just experimentally logged on and barely made it over the floor to the bank till in Edgeville, let alone actually in it. *sigh*
The rest of my computer is running just fine. I can log onto any number of websites and play Sims 2 concurrently with no problem at all. It's just Runescape. I've got that on Standard Graphics and I've tried several worlds. The lag is unbelievable.
My hope is that tomorrow either MisterTiz or Den the Men will be on during the daytime and that I'll be able to borrow a Bandos Godsword. Then I'll take Nomad and leave him crying for his mother, because this is personal now.
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