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Disadvantaged Players And The Rsof

It's not often that I venture into the Runescape Official Forums, but I was there instead of in the game yesterday. I've mostly been involved in a couple of threads, Qeltar's 'I Don't Pay RS to 'Twitch'' 15-16-552-60360355 and Lexie Owns's 'Addressing Discrimination' 15-16-924-60363579. It was as a result of the debate in the latter that I managed to ninja a question into the offical Q&A with Mod Fetzki and Mod Paul:




Getting that question in took quick timing! I saw that the Q&A was starting in an hour, so wrote my question up first on notepad. As 5pm arrived, Jdeh Rhyfela was refreshing the page until it unlocked at 5.01pm. I copied and pasted my question in, which took seconds, and still ended up on page 4. The mods stopped answering the questions after page 5!


Both the debates that I'm involved in address similar themes, though Qeltar's is about twitching alone, whilst Lexie Owns's thread is about any kind of disadvantage. There have been some really interesting posts, interspersed with a lot of panic from some players, who seem to think that they will somehow be missing out if level playing fields are created. As an illustration of that, I'll just copy paste from my latest post on Lexie Owns's thread:


'Mr Simax brought up a great example with the descent of the shooting star. A hearing player has the advantage of a sound signalling its approach. A deaf player will still be standing there, missing the finder's xp, until the star has landed. If a line of text, saying, 'whoosh', appeared in the chat box, simultaneous to that sound occurring, then both hearing and deaf players would have an equal chance to grab the star's finder xp.


This is the sort of thing that we are discussing, not dumbing anything down or taking it away from non-disadvantaged players. It's all about a level playing field, that's all.'


That's just one example though. Please join us there if you can think of any others. :s


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I guess for the Daggonoth Mother maybe text above it based on words or numbers could help (1 for Fire, 2 for Water, 3 for Range, 4 for Melee or just the words themselves, it's not like people can't just look it up anyway and know what to do but that would help colorblind players.)

Helm Lardar


Out of interest, do you follow the RuneScoop soapbox? It's a really good, thought out blog :)

Merch Gwyar


TheRazingLight - That's worth adding to the 'Addressing Discrimination' thread. :D Though it also said it in the cc for the second Mother. The first hasn't got that, I don't think.


Helm - Nope, link pl0x! :D



Remember the strange box MOM handed out? That got changed specifically to accommodate color blind people.

Merch Gwyar


Oh yes! I'd forgotten about that.


I think that Jagex, when they know about something, do try to sort it out.



Unless I am mistaken, during Horror from the Deep & Blood Runs Deep you get a message in your chatbox when the dagannoth changes colour. :P



Don't know, haven't done Blood Runs Deep and it's been like years since Horror. Does it specify the color though :P

Helm Lardar


Merch, RuneScoop is Truthscape reopened - run by Qeltar if I recall correctly? :)



Yes, I believe it is run by Qeltar. The site also has a really good, free moneymaking guide, which has opened my eyes to some of the ways that noobs can make money (running d'hides turns out to be extremely profitable, for example).

Link to the Soapbox blog: http://www.runescoop.com/soapbox/. I don't know how to subscribe, but I personally find it really interesting.

Neo Avatars


Collector in BA is OK because they're called "Green Egg", "Red Egg" and "Blue Egg", though the Green can be hard to see against the floor.


General gameplay is certainly significantly better nowadays for those of us who are colourblind, with more colours being shoved into the examine description if it isn't anywhere else. Things like the Light Maze could do with somebody sitting down for an afternoon and adding colours into the names of things so they're directly visible on right-click rather than just the examines, then spending a few hours adding a big UI for the colour wheel that lets you hover over the different sections and be told what each colour is.


There was one problem that came up a couple of years back when the graphics for Vials were changed - [normal] Energy Potions (particularly 3 and 4 dose) and Empty Vials look exactly the same, meaning you're constantly attempting to drink empty potions when training Agility. I brought it up with a couple of JMods at the time, but nothing's changed (other than the rest update which simply means there's less need for the Potions). I now use the Circus to 'train' Agility. EDIT: The 'new' cursors make it a lot easier to tell whether a Vial has anything in, but it's still hard to see where to move the mouse to in the first place.


The other biggie is the colour of both the Clan Chat and the 'you have unlocked some new music' text in HD - it's painful to read pretty much anywhere other than Lumbridge Bank chest or standing a couple of spaces away from the GE where you have a solid black / dark brown background to have it against, meaning I can participate in a lot less conversation than I want to. Being able to choose the colour (the full 16.7m options) of various types of chat text is, imo, a vital update that should have been added within a couple of months of the launch of HD.


(I'll write a full blog entry about my experiences with more examples and explanation over the next day or so

EDIT: http://runescape.salmoneus.net/forums/blog...howentry=49518)


Unless I am mistaken, during Horror from the Deep & Blood Runs Deep you get a message in your chatbox when the dagannoth changes colour. :P




Off topic: Whats yours truthscoop username?

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