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20 Things I Know About Fighting Nomad

I had two more attempts earlier. In the first I don't know if it was lag or misclicking/dead clicking, but he said 'face me', I tried, didn't move anywhere, and Nomad rehealed. He was nearly at beserker mode at the time. In the second, he was at beserker mode. I switched to diamond bolts, instead of ruby, and didn't seem to be hurting him very much at all. We fought for ages, but there were more Os on both sides than actual hits, right up until the time when he hit a lot and I didn't drink in time. I died. Edit: And a third attempt, defeated in beserker mode because I ran out of hitpoints. My invisible narrator kept telling me that I can't split potions into equal portions, so I may have been trying to drink from an empty vial again.


However, after about 10 billion attempts at this bane on my Rs life, I thought I'd write 20 things that I know about fighting Nomad.


1, As you enter, you're in a cut-scene and can do nothing. Soon as he starts talking, click on a space or something in your inventory and he shuts up. You then have all the time in the world to sort out prayers, drink boosting potions, have a picnic, raise a family, whatever you fancy doing. Once you're ready to fight, just click on him and he'll start talking again.


2, Clicking the last option of all of the conversation choices is the fastest way to shut him up and start fighting.


3, He will always get the first hit in, even if you spam click him as he's jumping off the throne.


4, Using the pillars to slow down his attacks is good.


5, You've only got time for one sip of something whilst safespotting. If you attempt two sips, then you risk him calling you a coward and healing himself fully.


6, If he does call you a coward and heals himself, he will stop attacking you. You can skip around the room, pick up all of your fallen bolts, pull faces at him and cry. He will not attack you. This is a perfect opportunity to get right into his face and give him a piece of your mind.




7, Everything dropped on the floor of Nomad's 'hood stays there. It doesn't disappear after a certain amount of time, like it does in the real RS world. So if you run out of bolts, then quickly pick up the pile on the floor. It will be all of the bolts that you've fired so far, minus the ones that are lodged inside Nomad's vital organs causing him to slowly bleed to death. (NB The internal injuries don't happen fast enough to rely on them to pwn this boss.)


8, Look at the above picture. The left-hand square behind the left-hand pillar, of the two shown, is the perfect place to stand to dodge his, 'you cannot escape from my wrath' 75 hp bomb. You can and you should. That pillar is your friend. The one on the right-hand side is your other friend, as that's the one you fight him around normally.


9, You don't have to fight the clones at all. Nomad won't heal himself while they're around. In fact, that is a minute's worth of standing behind a pillar, getting yourself sorted out. This is a time of relaxation. A moment to sit back and realise that the reason you've been hitting like a noob is because you've spam drunk so many Sara Brews, that your stats are now in minus figures and you should sip a nice super restore or 12. It's a time to contemplate the wonders of the world and to call your familiar off that spot that he insists on hanging around in, thus thwarting your pitiful attempts at 'twitch' fighting. It's a long oasis of peace, in which to drop vials and restock with Shelley's potions. Then perhaps have a little dance or a sit back. Once the clones go away and Nomad charges though, you have to show yourself. Then it's game on again.


10, Ignore the people who say that, when frozen, you shouldn't use ruby bolts (e). You can and should! As long as you've drunk enough Sara Brews that your total hitpoints are at least 9 above your actual hitpoints level. This is because, if the ruby bolt special hits, you'll lose 8hp as well as the total -1 that he's about to hit you.


11, People with 99 in all combat levels can just stand there and tank him. Mere mortals have to use the pillars.


12, When Nomad is in beserker mode, you have to be standing on the next square. If this square is around the corner of a pillar, even if its diagonal edge is touching your square, it still counts as safespotting. If you're not on the next square, Nomad waits about 2 seconds before calling you a coward and healing himself. This is my favourite way to fail this fight.


13, You can only beat Nomad in void armour if you are Neo Avatars (edit: Or Massecure360). Everyone else is better off in black dragonhide. Something to do with range accuracy and magic defence. I dunno. Combat stats, things like that. *wanders out of my depth*


14, Standing on bombs hits you for 40hp and drains your run energy, which is bad when you wanted to run away from him to heal.


15, There is always an alley through the bombs directly south of where you're standing. You can run through it with impunity.


16, Putting on every leech prayer and a deflect prayer makes your prayer points drain faster than you can replete with super restore. Joshua Mack recommended leech range and leech defence only, with deflect from melee for the beserker part. Setting your quick prayers for the end game is good, as you can just click to have them all on. You have time before the fight to put on the two leech prayers alone.


17, Right-clicking your summoning icon allows you to set a left-click as collecting stuff from your BOB. This saves a lot of time.


18, Only noobs wear a Helm of Neitiznot to range Nomad. Something to do with losing range bonuses or something. Combat stats. *returns to that out of my depth place*


19, After safe-spotting to have a sip of something, it's easier to click the square that will put you back into Nomad's way, than attempting to find the 'attack Nomad' option from a long menu, which often includes several things about war tortoises before you even get to Nomad.


20, Nomad r nub. >:)





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I know I'm not a member anymore but can anyone explain to me why no one melees him?

Merch Gwyar


I know I'm not a member anymore but can anyone explain to me why no one melees him?


I've just added a picture at the end, just taken, that shows Nomad in melee mode. That was from attempt number 3 today. I'm not trying again today. As for why we don't, some do. However, his attacks are extremely fast and high, so to melee him you have to have high stats yourself. 99 in everything would be good. If you are lesser (ie me), then you need to slow him down. This can be done around the pillars.

John Adams


I'm curious. I have yet to fight him, but can you not use ice spells from the ancient magics spell books?





Do you keep your items if you die?


*if so, wonders about at getting ranger boots and full Armadyl before trying*



A very good weapon for Nomad's beserker mode may be the Staff of Light. The special attack reduces melee damaged recieved by 50% for 1 minute. Also, tomorrow/Wednesday's update is almost definitely a Summoning update, which may help in some way. I would give you my trade limits worth of Ruby Bolts (e), but I am annoyingly still on Quick Chat, and coordinating a time with that hindrace is a massive pain. But keep trying, you WILL get the cape back! :D



I still havent beaten him yet either. It is very annoying when you think you are doing so well but your timing is out and he runs away and heals...You'll get there soon!!

Neo Avatars


13, You can only beat Nomad in void armour if you are Neo Avatars



*Neo Avatars really wishes he'd attempted to film at least one of his attempts to show that he's not a complete freak of nature despite wearing void, attacking Nomad asap when the clones were around, not unlocking Curses before killing Nomad and hiding behind a pillar solely to dodge the 75 attack (no dancing) :(


All in all, I think I followed or noticed about half a dozen of these 'rules' (2, 3, 7, 8, 13, 14, 17). :box:


Maybe I am a freak of nature...


*leaves and hides in a corner*



Hiding from anything other than the 75 is a waste of time, just brew inbetween hits or, if you really need to, bring a high def shield/legs/helm for his berserker mode. :P



Keep trying at it Merch, I know you'll beat him soon! And for the record, I beat Nomad in void too. ;) I think it helps a bit.



The trick is to wear a legends cape and fremmy ranger hat and look like a total noob. This lures nomad into a false sense of security and allows you to get the the upper hand. Your millions of GP in green wheelies is giving you away as a pro and causing him to fight accordingly.


On a more serious note keep at it. It's kind of like your KBD heads; took forever to get but totally worth it in the end.



People with 99 in all combat levels can just stand there and tank him.


What a relief! If I ever get membs back (and the courage to face him), I'll end up tanking with rocktails. :cute:



As someone else, somewhere else, said--


Imagine him fighting in his underwear.


Might not be great practical advice but it made me laugh.

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