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Quiet Before The Swarm

I turn my back for 30 seconds and Jagex takes my quest cape off me! :D Nevertheless, it's back where it belongs now.


The blarb on this quest said that it was a short, novice quest, so I didn't think too much of it. I meandered over to Fally Park and had a cant with Sir Tiffy. He told me that I had to complete a Pest Control game before I could do my quest. I pointed to that summer when I was obsessed with the minigame and played hundreds of games of it. It's all in my blog, as I wrote about it at the time. How me and the gang made rousing speeches in the boat, 'Once more into the breach, dear friends, once more or we'll dam up this wall with the void knight dead!' and 'we'll fight them at the portals, we'll fight them on the platform, we'll fight them at the gates...' etc. Alongside such classics as 'Men of Harlech' with the lyrics changed with each new singing. But Sir Tiffy was unmoved. I then pointed to the almost full void in my wardrobe, where I'm only missing the mage hat. Sir Tiffy still pointed in the vague direction of Port Sarim, 'Get thee into a Pest Control game, nub!' That's when I realised what was happening. This was going to be a quest that was so short that it needed a game of Pest Control just to pad it out a bit. Ok.


Five minutes later I was back with 1190gp and 2 pest control points, after having run through the novice game. Sir Tiffy gave up at this point and let me do the quest. Having now done the quest, I don't think it needed the padding at all. Ok, it wasn't the longest quest in Runescape history, but there was enough there to make it pass as one. I've known shorter quests.


It seemed to be one of the old school quests - talk to loads of people, run errands, get your quest points - but it wasn't. By the end of it, I was really impressed. I do love puzzles and a couple of those challenged me. The sliding puzzle challenged me because you couldn't shift the central block. If I could have moved that, it would have been over in seconds! But instead I had to solve it by only moving the outer ones. The other challenge was the one where I had to move three knights across a bridge. These kind of puzzles don't usually faze me at all, but I had a 'phone call halfway through which gave me much food for thought. I don't think I was paying attention very well. LOL


I loved the final puzzle. It reminds me of those childhood games, where you had to work out who sat next to who at a dinnertable. I deliberately made it harder for myself by doing it in my head, rather than using a pen and paper. Then, right at the very end, I struggled between what two of them were thinking, so ended up jotting it all down from scratch anyway. :D


All in all, an enjoyable quest, but nothing to write home about. And where was the level 55 creature that the introduction table told me that I had to pwn? I took my armour and whip especially.


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I still haven't figured out a reasonable reason as to why I had to play PC for this quest other than Jagex trying to breathe new life into their (imo) pointless mini games by shoveling them alongside quests.



You could move the center block, but only if there were no other blocks in between (you had to stand next to the free spot and click on the center block). :P

Krazy Karl 5


I love that quest, it was fun and fairly snappy. :D



I loved the quest! I'm really excited to do the next two in the series.



I didn't have to play any PC, Merchy. Idk why it made you. D:


Oh, and you pwned the level 55 when you became Korasi, and that pest was under the ship. :P



You don't have to play PC, you could just wear the Void Knight robes. :P

Full Gangsta


Right, only asked twice now, this being the third time. I'm just assuming you didn't see it before :D

It'd be best if you read the comment under your AWOL post, but basically, could you mention me and WellingtonTs (The guy from your clanchat) new website?

It's relevant to the blog.




Beyond simply advertising the minigame, I do see a certain logic in requiring a game of pest control. Your character needs to understand that the pests are unique monsters that are highly dangerous but confined to this one island, if you've never played the minigame, you haven't experienced the backstory for yourself. As for some players needing to play another game and some not, my guess is that when the minigame first came out Jagex didn't bother setting a 'has played PC' flag for later use for every player, so they don't actually know who has played it and who hasn't. They are probably cheating and just checking one of the things they do know, which is the number of PC points you have. This is just a guess, but I suspect that if you had 0 points at the start of the quest, Jagex make you play a game just in case you haven't. If you have any PC points, then they know you must have played already, and they don't require you to play another one.

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