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Stellar Dawn Forums

Neo Avatars


Jagex goes along, creates a fantastic looking website for Stellar Dawn which both looks amazing and feels good to use. All over the place, the 'title' tag is used where 'alt' should be, but other than that it's a very nice design and feels fantastic. You then click to view the forums. :hug:


Who in their right mind decided to use the same forum design as is used for the War of Legends forums? It's hideously bland, is horrible to use and doesn't in the slightest bit fit in with the hawt design that's been created for the rest of the site.


Of course, simply leaving it alone isn't what I do, so I've gone off and made a blue skin for the Stellar Dawn and War of Legends forums (they're currently identical). It's designed to have a similar look to the forum section of the Runescape Website - Blue skin, so if you like that, you'll hopefully like this too! :(




Get it now:

(they're currently identical in terms of looks, but are separate encase they become different in the future)


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Why don't they just use vBulletin or IPB? Their custom forums suck. Like in their RuneScape forums - no signatures, no custom avatars no nothing. You can barely customize it at all.

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Why don't they just use vBulletin or IPB? Their custom forums suck. Like in their RuneScape forums - no signatures, no custom avatars no nothing. You can barely customize it at all.

And no email notification of replies, and it constantly logs you out anytime you close the tab. I know, right? Nigh-unusable.

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Well I thought it was pretty impressive considering they are a gaming company!


Even if it is disgusting and horrible to use!

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The limitations are to allow it to be 13+, otherwise some parent will try and sue them for there child viewing "unsuitable" images in someones signature. As a company they have far more liabilities and not enough man power to moderate them.

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Thanks for the blue, I'll get it if I ever want to use those forums....white colouring actually can be painful in the wrong lights-it's a nasty colour to work with.

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Why don't they just use vBulletin or IPB?

A need for control will be the main reason. It wouldn't be a problem if there were people working on major updates, but as it is there's been talk of a 'major upgrade' for several years now and all that's happened is we've got avatars on the RS forums, plus profiles. Hardly years of work. Dev Blog plz!


Well I thought it was pretty impressive considering they are a gaming company!

Being a gaming company isn't an excuse for having forums that look horrible. :P


Look at the WoW forums and then look at the Jagex forums. They simply don't compare when it comes to either looks or function.

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