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Canting Away Announcement

Krazy Karl5 has asked me to highlight the Canting Away Awards going on over on the Canting forum. :)


On a darker note, I've just banned someone from Canting. There aren't many rules in Canting. I dislike people sharing personal, IRL information, but there are only two kicking offences:


1, Anyone spamming repeatedly, by which I mean '@@@@@@@@@@' or 'plz plz plz plz' or any unacceptable repetition of someone's name. Anything which renders conversation impossible, because the eight lines are being filled with one person posting such things. Discretion should be used. Mid-quest, it's quite feasible that someone will post 'omg!', followed by a second line of 'omg!' before calming enough to flesh out the detail.


2, Anyone being racist, homophobic, sexist, attacking individuals solely on their creed, culture, religion, disabilities or special needs, combat and skills level, mode of playing (f2p or p2p) or economics.


Anyone doing the above will be removed by myself or a general. An hour later, they can creep back in and, if they've calmed down, then all is well. Life goes on. However, someone repeatedly behaving in such a manner will be dealt with.


This individual apparently waited until I left the chat channel, then frequently littered the place with racist and homophobic language. He was often being warned by the generals and/or kicked out. What he was possibly unaware about was that various members of Canting were PMing me with screenshots. I had a quiet word with him. He agreed to stop acting like this. One morning, about a month ago, I logged onto Sal's to find no less than 8 PMs, off different people, all complaining of his disruptive and offensive behaviour in Canting. I had a second word with him. I told him that one more offence and he'd be banned for a week. He was utterly contrite. We chatted for ages and I believed that he'd settled down now. Moreover I thought that he'd fully understood that racism and homophobia is unacceptable in Canting Away. (Well, unacceptable anywhere, in my humble opinion; but enforceably unacceptable in Canting.)


Last Monday, I logged onto Sal's to find several PMs, all with screenshots. I sought him out in-game and he was informed that he was to be banned for a week. He was promptly added to my ignore list. I can't do that with him on my friends list too, so he lost his silver star. I handed that to Cossack, who'd previously given up his star to allow a friend to be ranked. Selfless Cossack on the one hand versus repeat offender racist and homophobe on the other. No contest really, is there?


Last night, it was almost time to reinstate our errant Canter into the cc. In fact, I was just going to finish my smithing stash of gold ore and then go and do it. He'd actually have been in about an hour early, but I was getting tired. An hour was neither here nor there. Suddenly he's back with a new account, autotype spamming the cc with 'ODST ownz ur mom merch. Bannedme.' Other than the terrible grammar and punction (and the fact that my Mum would kick his butt), it was saddening, because now I had no reason to take him off my ignore list. I was in Skype at the time, with two other generals. MFI quickly said, "Can I kick?" I replied, '"Yes." While he did that, I added the new account to my ignore list too.


The really disheartening thing here is that this is the first ever permanent ban for a member of Canting Away. I've only given out one week long ban prior to this. That person returned the instant that I PMed him to say that the ban was lifted. He was welcomed with open arms and is still a beloved member of our clan today. He's never been a problem since. Now this. Maybe one day, I will receive a PM with an apology and evidence of an improved outlook on life. Maybe then, I'll publish that PM and make a decision based on the collective will of Canting members. Until then, this person will remain permanently banned from Canting. :)


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It's a shame that this had to be done, but there was nothing else to be done. :/



If it was ODST Isaac or associated accounts of his that were perm banned then I am thoroughly glad. That kid was so annoying sometimes I actually hit my monitor in anger/frustration. And he claimed to be 13, 6'6 and could bench press 300 lbs? Man I'm glad he's gone.



I always thought isaac was better then that. Sad to see a canter go, but it sounds like he was being a you know what



It's a shame really. He was really annoying for a long time, and I'm not really surprised that it escalated to this. It's sad people will take all that extra effort to NOT get along.



Good on you for introducing him/her to Mr. Iggy.

If it was ODST Isaac or associated accounts of his that were perm banned then I am thoroughly glad. That kid was so annoying sometimes I actually hit my monitor in anger/frustration. And he claimed to be 13, 6'6 and could bench press 300 lbs? Man I'm glad he's gone.

What annoyed me

Is when he'd talk

With short sentences

that made sense

on their own mostly

until you realized

they should be strung




Good on you for introducing him/her to Mr. Iggy.
If it was ODST Isaac or associated accounts of his that were perm banned then I am thoroughly glad. That kid was so annoying sometimes I actually hit my monitor in anger/frustration. And he claimed to be 13, 6'6 and could bench press 300 lbs? Man I'm glad he's gone.

What annoyed me

Is when he'd talk

With short sentences

that made sense

on their own mostly

until you realized

they should be strung



And he always replyed to every sentence, whether it was directed at him or not, with '>.<' or 'stfu'. Sometimes he told people to stop announcing their achievements in Canting because it was annoying him!

Krazy Karl 5


Good on you for introducing him/her to Mr. Iggy.
If it was ODST Isaac or associated accounts of his that were perm banned then I am thoroughly glad. That kid was so annoying sometimes I actually hit my monitor in anger/frustration. And he claimed to be 13, 6'6 and could bench press 300 lbs? Man I'm glad he's gone.

What annoyed me

Is when he'd talk

With short sentences

that made sense

on their own mostly

until you realized

they should be strung



And he always replyed to every sentence, whether it was directed at him or not, with '>.<' or 'stfu'. Sometimes he told people to stop announcing their achievements in Canting because it was annoying him!


Or go like, Ss.F Al.G Kra.L and then be offensive towards other people.



Thats to bad.. I always thought Isaac was better than that. =[

Helm Lardar


:-( Oh well. I'm glad rules are followed.



guys stop bringing up Isaac's "offences" hes banned, leave it at that.

Oh and merch, if you want to drop my rank for someone else, I don't care if im ranked or not.

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