Pics For Xx3070 And Ambo100
Rest of you move on along. Nothing to see here. >.>
Korasi's Sword
The mages are protesting the forums, as it's a melee weapon that delivers mage combat spells or something like that. Mage PKers aren't happy anyway.
Clarity: This is what Sunami (99 in all combat, except 95 prayer) wrote on the forums:
Non-pvp armour without berserker ring (i) max strenght bonus gear, with extreme strenght potion and turmoil with +31% strenght bonus.
So far maxing on a friend, after few +500s, +600 then, finally, a 748 koed him.
60% spec bar >> Chance of hitting 748 0_o !?
Bad reward huh?
This weapon is a "dragon longsword" (bonuses) with "scimmitar/whip speed" and an awsome magic based special attack that hit ups to +700.
Void Guardian Torso
Some stuff for item database
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