Do No Evil - 2nd Half
It felt quite sedate to be running around the desert, following the squarks of an undead chicken. After the choc-ice fiasco of hours spent learning what didn't work, then using Ava's Alerter to simply dig in random bits of sand was quite lovely. I also really enjoyed setting up the colony, once I had all of the metal cases and, more importantly, their contents. I love my Construction. I've only been allowed to do a house before and now, here I was, creating a whole colony! (Well, three stalls and a tent, but it's getting there.)
The next bit wasn't bad either. I had to return to Ape Atoll. This wasn't too taxing, but it felt like it initially. That's when I took a deep breath and set about working out my route. Then I remembered that there was no choc-ice. I was suffering from Post Traumatic Choc-Ice Transportation Syndrome, that was all. So I just strolled over to the nearest fairy ring and used the agility short-cut. No hassle. Then bimbled on over to the auntie and child house, dressed as a gorilla, and punched several knife-fighting ninja monkeys into unconsciousness. I stole their knives and pocketed some gold pieces in the process.
Do you ever read these blogs and think about how bizarre half of these sentences would be, out of context?
Back to the colony and I was now further than anyone had been, when I'd been updating the RS Wiki yesterday. I don't normally do things like that, but no-one at Sal's seemed to be doing it at the time. Only one or two people were doing it on the Wiki, but at least we could inform each other there. I'm pretty certain that every 'it doesn't work', on choc ice transportation matters, mentioned on that page was originally discovered by me. I spoke to the monkeys, then meandered off to see Senliten. It was all going quite well. I hadn't even had to fight anything, but it was looking like the quest was over.
Shortly afterwards, I was tooling up to face down three monsters. I don't usually read guides (I'm often writing them), but I always hate the boss part in quests. Seeing as I was coming to it the day afterwards, rather than the same day, I figured that I'd swot up on what I was going to face. As it's still so new, the information hadn't yet been filtered anywhere into the most efficient way of killing them. I had some scope for manoeuvre.
Leeuni was first and she wasn't a bit of bother. I walked in with my best melee outfit on (dragonboots, dragonskirt, torso, slayer helmet, ring of life, barrows gloves, DFS, whip, glory, Ardy farming allotment transportation cape) and supped an extreme super-set. She kept taking my slayer hat off, so that she could see my lips. She patently fancied me. That didn't stop me smacking her around with a whip, until she shattered into tiny pieces. Then I took back the monkey she had abducted. No trouble at all.
Ayuni was next up. Her lair was straight through the kalphite queen's lair and through a door to the north. It took me a long time to get my horrified gaze past that bit. So I had to go, on my own, through the kalphite queen's lair and.... Right, I had to enter the kalphite queen's lair... While the kalphite queen was at home, I had to step into... A cup of tea was clearly needed. And someone was coming with me. I chose Yippy. He's might be able to heal me in time with his whizzy thing.
As it was, I never once saw the kalphite queen. I saw her guards, but not the lady insect herself. I climbed down the hole, ran along the east side of the room and dived through the door to the north. I didn't even look to the west. For all I know, Zezima, Gertjaars, King Duffy, the entire of the Wilderness Guardians and several JMods were creating an honour guard to get me through. Or the kalphite queen had been surprised in the process of fixing her hair and couldn't get to me in time. I don't know! I just know that I ran and she didn't even fire anything at me.
Ayuni, however, did. I found her to be the most problematic of the three bosses. I've since read up on why and discovered that I really need to learn how to read. I protected range all the way through, while protect from mage would have been more appropriate. I wore my range outfit this time (black dhide, dragonboots (I failed to realise in time that I hadn't swapped them for snakeskin), barrows gloves, Neitiznot hat, glory, ring of life, Ardy farming allotment transportation cape) and carried a rune crossbow, with ruby bolts (e) and broad bolts. I took too few prayer pots (I only had two 4 doses), as Ayuni drains your prayer if you get too close.
Ayuni was a nightmare of a battle. It took me a while to realise that I hadn't supped my extreme ranging pot nor my extreme defence. I was eating food like I'd just emerged from a famine. She's a slow and ponderous boss, but she also teleports. I was running around, trying to fire bolts at her, but she'd keep teleporting beside me. I did try to get into a safespot that I'd read about, but she teleported right next to me. Each time she did that, my prayer was drained. Worst of all, I couldn't do any damage to her! You can cope with such maladies, if it's only a case of outliving her, but at this rate, she'd be outliving my next thirteen generations!
Then everything changed in an instant. I was strongly debating using my Lletya crystal to abandon this fight, when I heard the Nomad Scream. A massive chunk of life had been taken out of her and that just set trend. Suddenly every bolt I fired was hitting true. She was three-quarters dead before I even had chance to swop to my broad bolts. Nevertheless, I was still down to my last spud, with no prayer potions at all, when she eventually died. I'm guessing that choosing the correct protection prayer, and remembering to pot up, would have helped greatly here. Does that make me a pwnage ranger that I still won in those circumstances?
Eruni is the one that the few commentators out there were warning about. There was a fair bit of discussion going on, amongst people who sounded like they were good at combat, about the best way to take her out. Most were advocating melee. Most were getting quite stressed. I surveyed all of the evidence and made my own informed choice. I pretty much went in the same set up as with Ayuni. I had two careful considerations here. The first was that Eruni was killing people. I have loads of black dragonhide, so it wouldn't cost me too greatly when I died. Also, I've already got level 88 in attack, strength and defence, but I'm a whisker away from a range level. It might help me get level 88 range, if I shot her, instead of flaying her. Are you all proud of me making such analytical decisions on combat here?
To be honest, I don't know what all of the fuss was about. Eruni stays put in the middle of the room, surrounded by pillars. Within two steps, in any direction, there was somewhere to cower, hugging Yippy for comfort shelter, in order to re-pot or have a picnic. I learned very quickly, during the opening seconds really, that switching auto-retaliate off was a good idea. You have to kill the lesser demons, as they spawn, or else she is invunerable. But the lesser demons try to drag you into her path. My advice is to put your foot down, switch auto-retaliate off and fire bolts at them from behind a pillar. Not a bit of trouble. :D
So the short answer to how to combat them is: pray protect from mage for all three; kill them.
Thereon, it was all a bit of a stroll. I reinstated the monkey colony; and acted really cool and sophisicated when I met the goddess, Apmeken. After all, I am a Wiccan, we talk to goddesses all the time.
Before wandering back to Nardah (forgot carpet fare, so had to walk), where I maintained the same decorum and maturity in front of royalty.
And it was all over. Comparable with Desert Treasure, I'd say.
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