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More Updates, Wew. So Entertaining.



So, I actually got to 80 mining. wtf, I hit a goal. haha.


Im just about 10K away from 81 fishing (just kinda bothering me so im finishing the level off).


I got to lvl 39 dung too. Kinda odd because it took half an hour (from lvl 35).

Never really knew that if you were a high enough level to enter these "resource dungeons" that youd get a lot of experience just for ENTERING it the first time. I entered all the dungeons I had the level for, and it got me 4 lvls and im only 1K from 40 haha.

Perhaps after the fishing I will go finish off the dung level as well.


And finally, I am about 107K from 84 wcing.

I think for my initial monthly goals I am doing pretty well.


Got already one of my goals, half of another and then some. Now I just need to repair my dang abyss pouches so i can get that last RC lvl!


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