Prisoner Of Glouphrie
I loved this quest! Absolutely loved it! It was my kind of quest, in that it involved lots of puzzles, quizzes and no fighting whatsoever. Turn up in whatever clothes you like, you won't be called upon to change. Plus you don't need to take anything. You have Golrana with you, ostentaciously to teach me how to quest... *looks at questcape in my bag* *looks at 313 quest points* *smiles graciously at Golrana* Mind you, I shouldn't grumble about her. I hope that I'm that adventurous when I'm 200 years old. *nod nod*
I didn't know about the quest, when I first logged in. I should have, because the first week of the month is traditionally quest week. Last week had slightly bigger news, that's all. :P I'd been in to check the forums for this week's penguin locations. The big news there, of course, is that Canada Grrl has relaxed the rule on not calling out Wilderness locations.
However, I've been nowhere near the penguins, because quest time is now!
I love doing quests in the first few hours, when there are no guides. That way I get to experience them as they were written, without being tempted to look up the difficult bits. Therefore my first big element to this quest was working out how to start it. Golrie was underneath the Tree Gnome Village. Fair enough. That sounds like the place with the boulders that you have to push, when you have to nerf your crystal saw in order to kill mutated tortoises. I was half right. It was through that room, into the crawl hole at the back, then several rooms along on the other side. Thereon, things got easier.
Golrie's grandad went missing years ago. He's just found a letter, which never quite made it to his nan, before she died. The letter was an SOS from grandad. Golrie's been using it as a bookmark. Nub. :/ Anyway, he patently needs a brilliant quester to go and rescue grandad... and I agreed to accompany her. Golrana is Golrie's Mum and she's a bit of a gnomish Lara Croft. She put up with me.
Yes! Me! I've only saved your people about a billion times! >
I really enjoyed the next bit. We had to find a pathway through the woods and under the mountain. My sort of terrain IRL that, so the pixel version engaged me too. Not much else to tell about it; other than the advice to test everything, as there are clues to the pathway hiding in all kinds of rocks and trees. We ended up in Lletya, where the puzzles really began.
You will be given a novel to read. I swear that this is the longest book in the game. I sat and read it all though, before plunging on. The important pages are: the list of materials to build a device; the chapter on output intensity; and the list of combinations for 'pure yellow', 'pure cyan' and 'pure magenta'.
However, if you're a lazy git, then here's the relevant info:
* Certain materials are needed to build the device and they are all in the room. If you search every box, crate, light, picture and shelf, then you'll get those materials. You don't have to memorise them (after I did), as you automatically take the required amount. I do recommend checking the lecturn, then clicking on the chapter titles. You get two little films to watch!
* Different shapes produce different output intensity. The weakest is a circle, as it has one side. The highest is an octagon, as it has eight sides. Sides = intensity.
* Different shapes are dependent upon the amount of water in the crystal bowl. Just right-click it to automatically fill or empty the water. Crystals, for making shapes, are in the box beside it.
* You turn the middle prism to change the colour.
I don't know if it'll be different for everyone, but this is what worked for me. Please note BOTH shapes and colours:
This part could be a nightmare for colour blind people. However, each of the coins and shapes do have a right-click option, which reveals their colour. The singing bowl doesn't. It starts on red and goes through the rainbow: Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet. It never deviates from that pattern. If the requirements are the same for every player, then you'll only need red, yellow, green and blue. Once you have your shapes, you should be fine, as you can read the colours.
After the box is calibrated, then it's out to rescue Bolrie (grandad of Golrie and dad of Golrana). The quest is pretty straight-forward, so nothing really to tell. Thoroughly enjoyable though! Bolrie does ask some questions to ensure that you're not an illusion. If you've been paying attention throughout the quest, they'll hold no hassles. I didn't have to look anything up. If memory serves, he asked me his wife's name: Gena. The picture on his wall in his cave: The Grand Tree. The name of the elf who helped him: Ifreen. How many combinations of shapes and colours are there? 42. Ok, the latter did involve me looking at the screenie I'd taken, for the above picture, which showed my inventory at the time. I can count, oh yes! :/
Rescue completed and it all got really lovely. Reunion ftw!
There's me, in my quest outfit, with the longbow that I didn't need. :/ I love the updated gnome graphics, by the way. It looks really great over in the Grand Tree and the Tree Gnome Village.
Talking of the latter, we returned there for more reunions. *little tear* I do love happy endings. :) And the rewards weren't bad either! :o
All told, it's taken me around two hours to both do the quest and write this blog. It's a master quest, but not a massively long one.
More quests like this! Bravo!
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