Panic At The Internets!
So my internet went away for about 3 hours today.
I thought it was because of my downloading amounts and they got fed up with me, but that wasn't the case.
I spent a good amount of time trying to trouble shoot the issue. Pings didn't go out, but my switch responded just fine.
Basic ipconfig commands had no luck.
I left it and walked away to clear my head of what could have gone wrong.
I come back, turn my computer back on, and decide to tackle this issue head on and fix my internet.
Calling my ISP was a big no no. I don't ever want them to know about my issues or activities.
I looked up and noticed that my modem had NO LIGHTS ON.
Then I looked down at my power switch and saw my Xbox360 controller had fallen off my desk and perfectly hit and moved the power adapter for the modem just out of the socket.
So now, I'm moving my modem into a more visible area so this never happens again.
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