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Yeah, probably Mathematics II and World History, but I might switch out the latter for US History. It depends on how I do on this test, I guess. Are the SAT II's easier or harder than the AP tests?

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Easier. Considerably easier. They're all multiple choice, too, which you probably know.


The US History test is quite easy; I got an 800 on it. Not a bad idea to switch out World History for it. That said, you're fresh off World History anyway, and I have no idea how difficult that test is, so it might be better for you to stick with that.

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If I get a 5 (or possibly a 4) on World History, I would consider taking that SAT subject test, but other than that I'd probably go with US History now that I think about it. It seems like it would take much less studying and reviewing for, and my background on it is probably stronger as well.

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