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Dead Computer



So... A few days ago Jagex announced that they were dropping support for some of the older versions of Java. This just so happened to include the version my computer had. It also just so happened to be the newest version my computer could run. :P


I still had an old RS client installed. From 2 years ago or some such. Would it work? Nope. Download a new version. Install said version. And? It can't install on Windows 98. (my computer has Win98 SE, FYI).


Talked to a few people on the forums and in Canting about it. Near everybody said I shouldn't be bothering with an 11 year old Pentium 3 running a 12 year old operating system. Not like it was my old computer that drew me into Runescape to start with, not like I'd worked around my computer's age a hundred times prior or anything... I had to replace my computer.


My new computer fund has $0 in it. I've never spent a penny to buy a computer. Ever. Can't really afford to now, either.


So, I start to settle in to the fact that I would simply have to quit Runescape now. Should probably start finding ways to chat with the folks from Canting, if my other computer can't handle the Lobby. I should probably mention that computer, since I'm typing this from it: I have a laptop, with 256MB RAM, a 1066 MHz processor that never runs that fast, and XP stuffed onto the harddrive. Lags with everything I try, can't handle most games, simply doesn't have the memory. But it can run some newer stuff with it's new fangled operating system.


On Saturday (the 11'th) we had a power outage. I was away from the computer, but it must've been fine. Restarted on its own. I went on Runescape, argued about my computer (and talked about lots of stuff, Canting Away isn't that bad lol) about whether I should replace the computer, then left for the night.


Woke up Sunday morning. My computer was stuck on. Apparently we had an other black out overnight. Mouse won't do anything. Keyboard doesn't do anything. Monitor isn't getting a signal. Numlock is off (it's set to On by default). I try the power button. On light goes from green to yellow, nothing else happens. Try restart; on light goes yellow again, nothing else happens. Hold the power button down for a minute, nothing happens. Few more tries? Nothing. Flick the power bar off and on. Computer doesn't restart itself with the power. I hit the power button. Nothing. Restart, power light goes from blank to yellow. Nothing else. Few more tries? Nope.


Deadcomputeritis? Looks like it. :D :P -.- :D


Note: We opened it up today, tried fiddling around with it. Got it to turn on again in the same zombie-style it did at first, not responding to anything, not displaying an image, not obeying the off button. Everything else we tried suggests we can't fix it. It's not a disconnected cable. It's not anything set wrong. Some part or another is fried, and we have no compatible computers to swap parts with it, so we can't do any real troubleshooting. Probably just have to salvage the few parts on it that are likely still working (harddrive, CD burner, DVD reader. Could take the floppy drive, but it's shaped for that computer specifically. And we have more floppy drives sitting around in boxes). Guess it's just gone for good.


So I've been using the laptop for everything this week. On the bright side? Laptop can handle the RS lobby just fine. So I can still talk in Canting. Downside? Java still crashes whenever I try to login.


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Well, 11 or 12 years old. Not sure if it was made in '99 or y2k.


But yeah, I was using a computer basically that old to play Runescape :P :cute:

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hardly surprising when you're making a computer that predates the game. How have you survived on Windows 98 so long D:

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hardly surprising when you're making a computer that predates the game. How have you survived on Windows 98 so long D:

It's actually surprisingly good. I was running a Windows 98 computer that lasted very well until my parents actually decided to buy me a new one.

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