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Sal's RuneScape Forum
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So I'm way early for class with nothing to do because I switched my backpacks this morning. I'd get some breakfast but the nearest dining room isn't serving ye and apparently all the machines in this building are empty or broken.


Hence I am here!


So.... Uh... Not much to say... REALLY inactive with college... Still trying to find a job...


Still an anthropology major, thinking about an Archaeology focus with an Evolutionary Studies minor. In fact I'm sitting in the physical anthropology classroom right now.... Alone...


Not sure what else to say... I'm looking at songs to be able to actually hear what I sound like when I sing, so when I get a chance to record those I will. Ummm... Oh! Today is my birthday.... I am now legally allowed to drink in the US.


As for runescape I've grown incredibly bored by it and most games, actually trying to sell my SNES and Atari and some other stuff atm. Who knows, might sell the xbox if I get tired of it...

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Oh! Today is my birthday.... I am now legally allowed to drink in the US.


have one on me!


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