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Vanstrom's Near Miss

I feel so sick. I thought Vanstrom Klause was dead. He lives on.


I'd run out of excuses not to try this boss fight again. I'd killed and burned all of those Vyrewatch. I'd chopped and fletched all of those blisterwood stakes. I'd done my dailies, my penguins and infused into pouches all of the charms that I'd received from the Columbarium. 60k from level 90 Summoning, but not a lot else I could do to attain more XP without getting more charms. I was casting around for something else to do and Rainbow Firg was killing a skeleton in the Rune Mysteries quest. It seemed as good a time as any to attempt to kill Vanstrom Klause again, particularly as Zach was willing to hang around Darkmeyer for grave blessing purposes.


He also checked out my inventory. I'd spent most of my money on a Armadyl chestplate, then fetched stuff from my house. Zach loaned me his Fury. The outfit that he passed was: Robin Hood hat, Soul Wars cape, Amulet of Fury, Blisterwood stakes, Shield With a Face on, Armadyl chestplate, Bandos Blessed Dragonhide legs, Ranger boots and Ring of Life. In my inventory were my Darkmeyer clothes, Medallion, emergency blisterwood polearm, Extreme Defence Pot, Extreme Range Pot (more on this later), Prayer Pot, Holy Water, the last of Fred's rocktails and two panic sharks. I summoned a unicorn and packed some healing aura scrolls. I set my graphics to the lowest setting possible. I prayed soul split and leeched his mage, defence and strength.


The first time I went in, I got Vanstrom to half of his life, before failing one of his blood bombing sessions. With Doddsy, Jethraw, RainbowFirg, Morte and Samsara were in Skype telling me that I could do this. Morte kept urging me to go back in there. In game, Zach was saying much the same thing, echoed by those in Canting, as he reported back to them. I sat with Zach in the bank and calmed myself down. Zach gave me a wonderful tip. He said that I wasn't to try and hit Vanstrom during the blood storms, but to prioritise running. Before now, I'd always run, then dash back to hit him. I listened hard to this and I did what Zach told me.


I was shaking so hard. I nearly died more times than I cared to count. Twice I was lucky in running in just the right direction, when Vanstrom did his 'stare into the darkness' routine. It wasn't skill that turned me away from him. It was Guthix watching over me, I swear. Then, just when I thought I was dead, Vanstrom turned into mist. I had just 2hp. I was out of both prayer and prayer pots. I had no food left, but I did have a unicorn and that pile of pouches. I should have used them, but I thought that this was the end. I thought that all I had to do was throw the holy water and it would all be over. I was holding my breath. Even those in Skype, who could hear me, had no idea how close I was. I threw the holy water.


The invisible narrator told me that I had to lure Vanstrom into the middle of the room. I ran forward. In mist form, he hit me. I died on the spot.


I'm so gutted. It was so close. So ridiculously close. If I'd just healed before running forward, this would have all been over now for real, wouldn't it? I feel sick to the stomach and I logged out, despite the encouragement of everyone else to go back in straight away. Zach had to go, but MsClick was already grabbing her Darkmeyer outfit to take his place. I couldn't do it. I was shaking so much that I couldn't have controlled my movements in there. I'll try again tomorrow.


As for that extreme range potion, it wasn't until I collected the stuff from under my grave that I made a discovery. I'd been guzzling antipoison ++ all of this time. They're both green.


Recommended Comments



Go Merch, you WILL get him eventually!



Why do you even use Ranged? I don't mean to sound like a dick, but I'm surprised you can't kill him. :s

I killed him on my second attempt just using melee, without having burnt any Vyrewatch corpses. I'm only 90/90/90 in my melee skills.

Merch Gwyar


Teacuptime - And I did. <3


Kemosabe - It's a Twitch game fight. I can't do Twitch very well, as I'm not that fast.

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