Vanstrom Klause Is Dead! (and I Have 90+ In All Skills)
Yes! You read that correctly!
Do I hear cheering? MFI and Jethraw did. I nearly took their ears off.
Ok story. There's not a great deal to tell you. I went in three times before I despondantly logged into Skype to whinge at MFI. The first time was a warm up and I got him over half dead. The second time I was so sure that the mist was coming any second now. I just had to hang on and stay alive. I naturally died within seconds. The third time was crap. I was killed with nearly a full inventory of food and prayer potions. It was patently time to have a break.
I was running low on blisterwood stakes, so I used that break to make some. Me and my dragon axe bimbled into the room and chopped away. Then I came to fletch them and found a slight problem. There's a knife on my toolbelt, but Jagex obviously hadn't included blisterwood in the things that it can be used on. I had the option to either craft or burn the logs. No fletching. So I chose 'craft' and was confronted with the option to craft with a tinderbox or a knife. Knife please!
Nothing happened. Nothing at all. I gave up and went to my bank for a knife. But there was no knife. I'd sold them all when the toolbelt came out. >.< I ended up having to teleport to Lumbridge to pick up the one that spawns by Lumbridge Castle. The blisterwood stakes were made. Rather a lot of them actually. I'd only planned on replenishing up to 500, but I was enjoying canting with MFI and I was in no rush to encounter Vanstrom again. I walked out with 1000 stakes to add to the 119 in my bank. (I've still got 991 of them left.)
My outfit was: Armadyl chestplate, Bandos blessed dragonhide legs, amulet of fury, Robin Hood hat, Soul Wars cape, blisterwood stakes, Dragonfire shield, Ranger Boots, cabbage port ring. I carried my Holy Water, Medallion, healing aura scrolls and 3 prayer potions. The rest was filled with rocktails, a present from MFI. I naturally took my unicorn friend in with me. MFI and I spent ages testing different combinations of prayers. During the successful fight, I had on deflect mage, beserker, leech mage, leech defence and leech range.
I lost count of the times I attempted that fight thereon. MFI came to Darkmeyer and blessed my grave for the first death. He hung about in Burgh de Rott, in the same world, just in case he was needed for the rest. I'd estimate that I died another 3-5 times before the last one. There was nothing different about the last one, as there was with the penultimate one. Of all of my deaths, that felt the most unfair. Vanstrom was attacking me with darkness, so I turned away. It hit me. I thought that unusual, but clicked a step forward just in case. I was looking at Vanstrom's back, then my back, in perfect alignment. I'd survived dozens of these specials, so I had been confident on them. But he hit me again and I was dead. It shouldn't have done that. It was weird. But that was the only time it glitched like that. Every other time, turning away saved me.
The last one had me running around so much that I ran out of run. Vanstrom spent more time in the air than on the floor. I only had one darkness special, which didn't hurt me. I had a couple of the 'let the blood consume you' specials, which I managed to not only escape, but lure him across too. He got the damage. The leeches only came out about three times. Other than that it was a constant state of me running around a room, shortly followed by me walking around a room. I still avoided his hits. I swear that luck has as much to do with this fight as skill does.
Then he was suddenly mist and I was all, 'Oh my God!' In Skype, MFI was telling me to heal myself fully before I did anything else. In a surreal state of mind, I did as I was told. I kept trying to use the Holy Water on him, instead of throwing it. MFI told me to keep calm and just lure him over it. It seemed to take an age, but I spam clicked that water and walked on over it. MFI was warning me that I was about to take a large hit and not to panic. I only vaguely registered it, because Vanstrom had just died. You probably heard my scream from there.
The rest went in a bit of a blur. I think I might have been concussed. The place went black and a couple of vampiric women came in. There was some fighting that was done via me randomly pressing buttons. I shouldn't be in charge of buttons, when I'm that hyper. MFI calmly informed me, "If you can't find yourself, you're under a blanket on the floor." Oh! Yes.
I'm the one under a blanket with a unicorn standing on my head.
She pwnt the leeches, then it was all:
Yes! Yes! I should bloody well think that you do!!
After that, it was just a case of telling NPCs in-game and everyone in Skype (anyone who would listen really) that I'd killed Vanstrom. Finally, finally, this blasted quest was over! *happy dance*
There was a tome of XP with it, which gave me three lots of 50k. I put two of them on Summoning, which gained me level 90. That was the last one! I now have every skill at level 90 or above! Woot!
Happy days!
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