Ohai Sion Corn (christmas Event 2011)
The Christmas Event 2011 is out and so it was off up to the Wizard's Tower for me. The quest was the usual mad dash around a building, fixing, finding and helping out. All good fun, especially since the whole thing was laden with Discworld and Harry Potter references.
But my personal favourite was the appearance of Sion Corn!
For the uninitiated, Sion Corn is Welsh. He looks, acts and pretty much is Father Christmas. Though Jagex's version seems to have him transformed into a fairy. >.> You really don't want Welsh fairies in Gielinor! Ours tend towards the dark and dangerous, rather than the floaty, gossamer winged type.
Sion Corn helped me out though. I was dismayed to discover there was an element of twitch playing involved in her activity. I raced around catching nothing on my first attempt. I tried again, whilst complaining loudly to Calanon, MFI, Tabt and Jethraw, but there was really no need. I don't know if it was a glitch or Sion Corn helping me out, but when she reached the portal, she didn't go down it. I had all the time in the world to catch those rogue decorations and scoop them up into my inventory. Happy days!
The only other thing which gave me any trouble was the first activity. That was only because I didn't know how to set the snow emitters! LOL Soon as I sussed that you simply had to click the floor, I was well away. Here was my solution:
Oh! Er, that was before I finished it. :) You have to fill the central part first.
All in all, a fun little quest! Thanks, Jagex!
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