A Swanky New Bonesack
I've been collecting bones towards the Rag and Bone Man Quest Pt 2 for months. The wish list had been whittled away to eight by last week, then I got the daganoth bone after completing the 'Horror of the Deep' quest. After handing that to the man, I wrote down a list of what was left: zogre, mogre, terrorbird, seagull, basilisk, massive desert lizard and vulture.
I only really went for the terrorbird, because I was in the vicinity waiting for a tree to respawn earlier. I recounted those adventures in the last blog entry with the finale that I logged back in tonight, turned around, hit the nearest terrorbird and it dropped the required bone. Woot! Not long on, I achieved another level fletching and was inspired to go collecting the remaining bones.
First stop was Jiggig. After 'Zogre Flesh Eaters', I'd been left with 100 mithril brutal arrows, which I largely wasted on wolves. I hadn't realized that I still had a zogre bone to collect (nor had any of the gits dropped one during the quest). Fortunately, I still have a large stash of mithril nails, so I teleported to Castle Wars, then wandered off into the Chompy Bird Hunting Grounds with nails, hammer, axe, knife and feathers. A few pollarded achey trees later, I had 119 mithril brutal arrows to play with. Naturally the first zogre I fired them at died after six arrows and dropped the bone. Thank you.
I jogged over to Yanille, flashing orange, as I'd become diseased whilst picking up said bone and arrows, but losing no stats, because I was testing out the bracelet of innoculation. It's a lovely bracelet. It keeps you intact even as you announce to the world at large that you have the lurgy in random splodges. I spoke to Bert and put my order in for 84 buckets of sand direct into my bank, please, then used my house portals to teleport to Draynor. A short jog over to Port Sarim and the third seagull, that I launched a mithril brutal arrow at, gave me the bone. Ok, I realize that the weaponry might have been overkill, given that I could have probably slapped it to death in seconds, but I'd just spent ten minutes making them. They shall be used.
That was when my bracelet of innoculation ran out of charges and crumpled to dust. The next orange splodge hit me for six in my hunting xp. That didn't bother me greatly, as that only exists to be lost because of the tears of Guthix, and I didn't need it. But common sense prevailed insofar as I was off to kill things and I didn't know what it would take next. I had some Recilym's Balm on me and two sips restored me to health.
Less healthy was Skippy, who I found on the shoreline near Mudskipper Point. I hadn't read up on the mini-game, so niavely assumed that I just talked to him and somehow the mogres would just happen. He was very drunk and required a bucket of water over him. Less lazy, more prepared people run back to Draynor and return with a bucket of water. I'm not one of them, so I ran to Rimmington, found a couple of logs lying around in a shop and sold them to the general store in return for a bucket. This was filled at the well and promptly thrown over Skippy. Dude now asked for nettle tea. Right.
Fortunately, I just happened to have an ectophial on me, so I went over to the temple, ran down to Canifis and used ice gloves (the only gloves I currently own) to pick some nettles. Teleported to my house and made nettle tea in my kitchen, then used the portal to get back to Draynor. Now he wants a hangover cure - snape grass, milk and chocolate. I have all but the milk in my bank, so went to Draynor to get them. I accidentally ate the chocolate whilst trying to use it in the pestle and mortar (a problem I encounter in real life too), but luckily had another. I then went and begged outside the house portal in Rimmington, until someone announced a house party. I hesitated a little while, then leapt in. The house was crawling with heavily armoured people and I told them, 'I know this is a little cheeky, but would you mind if I just nicked some milk?' No reply, so I ran around the house looking for the kitchen, reassured by the fact that everyone else seemed to be just running riot too, found it and secured my milk that way. I managed to avoid the throne room and dungeon, as Wildy-esque places, and left to find Skippy again. Now sober, he told me where to find mogres and what he was doing when he found one.
I wondered around Mudskipper Point going, 'here mogre-mogre, here mogre-mogre', but the beach remained quiet. That's when I recalled some talk of fishing explosives, so home ported to Lumby and up into the bank for a dramen staff, in through the shack in the swamps and off to the slayer mistress to buy fishing explosive. I finally found myself face to face with a mogre, after teleporting back through the fairy rings. For the first 30 seconds, I was mainly whacking him with a dramen staff, until I noticed and switched to my dragon longsword. I seemed to have been doing damage to him though! lol The first mogre dropped the bone.
Back into the fairy rings, I teleported to the Fremmenik Slayer Caves with a mirror shield. It was only as I was entering said caves that it occurred to me that I hadn't checked as the basilisks actually lived here or not. They did and I found them, after encountering the bizarrely mesmerizing pyrefiends. They are illuminous! My first basilisk dropped a mithril kiteshield, the second and third dropped money and the fourth dropped the bone. Woot!
All I had left now were two in the desert, so I changed into desert robes and picked up some waterskins, then used the fairy ring down to the southern parts. I headed straight to the lizards, trying to find one which said 'massive desert lizard'. There isn't one. There are cute 'small lizards', and pretty 'desert lizards', and an alligator type thing called a 'lizard'. One of the latter attacked me as I ventured through their midst in search of the elusive 'massive desert lizard', then refused to die. What? It's bar was completely red and I kept hitting it for one or three, yet still the thing was biting me. I found refuse on a bridge and logged out to investigate.
All the sites, Sal's included, kept telling me that I was in roughly the right place, but I also learned that you need ice cooler to kill a massive desert lizard. I wondered if I needed it on the lizard that had attacked me too. I also learned that I wasn't a million miles away from the vultures, though range and mage would be essential if I was to attack them in the air. I logged back in and ran down south, until airborn vultures and grounded goats surrounded me. I was about to admit defeat when I spotted a quest symbol and a tent. I tried to investigate, but my character wouldn't enter the tent. What I did spy though were two vultures on the ground. Two whacks with my sword later, there was only one and I had the vulture bone needful!
After running back north, then nipping back to the Lost City, I returned with 10 ice coolers to begin my search anew for the massive desert lizard. Unable to find one and having already drunk the contents of one waterskin, I attacked a lizard instead. I did indeed need the ice cooler to finish it off, but did that mean anything? I also attacked the larger of the desert lizards and that also needed an ice cooler. Unsure, I killed more lizards whilst trying to make up my mind, largely for the big bones that they dropped. Six dead lizards later, the last one dropped the massive desert lizard bone! It was that after all!
I took them all up to the Rag and Bone man, who said thank you with 5500xp in prayer, 2 quest points and a bonesack to carry with me. Yay!
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