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Sal's RuneScape Forum
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cash money95


Well, I would have to assume that almost everyone in this forum would have played RuneScape at some point.


PS: Holy crap, the game graphics/menus have changed a lot since I left. :o



Well, I would have to assume that almost everyone in this forum would have played RuneScape at some point.PS: Holy crap, the game graphics/menus have changed a lot since I left. :o


Well, played enough to get max combat level haha.



bonfires near the desert? you do that irl too right?



That's not me. My account is redmonke255.


I think I'm a rank in the sals chat but I haven't played in forever. All I know is I have access to their forum so hey!



That's not me. My account is redmonke255.I think I'm a rank in the sals chat but I haven't played in forever. All I know is I have access to their forum so hey!



Yeah, just thought it was kinda cool :)



Carl Sagan is the god of agnosticism

I like how we worship him for his beliefs instead of worshiping him for how smart he was.



Yea I don't know why people do that, maybe they don't understand how intelligent he really was?


He was an amazing scientist.



Carl Sagan is the god of agnosticism
I like how we worship him for his beliefs instead of worshiping him for how smart he was.

I'm not sure people do worship him for his beliefs, or even worship him at all.


He was a fine example of the need to communicate science in a passionate and informative manner to the layman, and the importance of critical and scientific thought. The quotes attributed to him are a sign of just how intelligent he was.


(And he was an atheist, he didn't believe in any higher beings and didn't see any evidence for them, he just thought an atheist was someone who knew there was no gods which he thought was arrogant, and isn't what atheism is)

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