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Generational Gaps



Well quite recently me and my dad have been arguing about homosexual people, mainly in the Boy Scouts. He mentioned that he's glad that gay's aren't allowed in scouting and I asked him why. Of course at this he got very mad and just kinda ended the subject. I know that no matter what I say he won't change his views the slightest so I'm kinda stuck. Whatcha'll think?


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Well if you are gay and planning on coming out to him, you might want to try easing into it next time and try to hold a calm conversation with him to see why he feels that way.


If not, well, some people are raised with cemented beliefs and simply won't change.


Also: Are you/your dad Christian?

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I think that's silly. That is silly. Very silly 9/10. Would rate again. 9/10 silliness.


But in all sill seriousness, it's not unbelievable that he would be stubborn about such an idea. Only a century and a half ago people lived their lives thinking it was right to own other humans. And that belief didn't even die down completely; racism existed in America for a while, and still continues scarcely today. Civil rights hasn't yet ended, and homosexuality is perhaps a dramatic movement of our time which we will eventually think back on like "lololol we were silly".

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Yeah thanks for all the feedback guys, and to Kemosabe and Cash money95, I am not gay; it just annoys me that my own father thinks like this.

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Are you gay, perchance?

You don't need to be gay to be a supporter of non-discrimination, just like you don't need to be a panda to say that pandas should survive
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Kemosabe, on , said:


Are you gay, perchance?

You don't need to be gay to be a supporter of non-discrimination, just like you don't need to be a panda to say that pandas should survive



(or just stop feeding them panda porn and they'll go extinct soon enough)




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<p class='citation'>Arianna, on 11 September 2012 - 11:02 AM, said:</p><div class="blockquote"><div class='quote'>Kemosabe, on , said:


Are you gay, perchance?

You don't need to be gay to be a supporter of non-discrimination, just like you don't need to be a panda to say that pandas should survive

</div></div>I think he was trying to tailor his advice to the situation. The "I'm kinda stuck" part of the entry made me wonder if there wasn't more to this too, which would have affected my comment.

Ah, I see - it does make sense, in fact. :box:
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