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Personal Facepalm of the Week

I saw this earlier on a forum I visit, and it made me facepalm hardcore. The topic in discussion was warning labels being introduced to cigarette packets in Australia, and the person said this:


It's hilarious, yet pathetic to watch idiots purchase packets of cigarettes that have black lungs etc on the front, and massive warning signs. Losers.


The worst is when someone innocent dies of lung cancer, yet so many smokers go unharmed.


Maybe you agree with this. Maybe you don't. I just thought I'd post it here for my own personal record of one of the most moronic things I've read in a long, long time.


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I think that it could have been worded better, to say the least, but I do to a certain extent agree with him. Not so much the first part as the second. Obviously no smoker goes unharmed, but it does hurt to see anyone healthy succumb to cancer (I had an aunt who, despite being a person with very, very few bad habits, died of lung cancer). This guy evidently was angry about something and decided to translate that into a condescending argument against smokers.



I agree, it does hurt to see someone die of cancer. But that applies whether they smoke or not. I've had two beloved family members die of cancer, one who smoked and one didn't, and both were absolutely heartbreaking.


To suggest that someone who doesn't smoke is "innocent" seems almost to imply the smokers deserve it to me, and that's just something that I can't agree with.



I agree, it does hurt to see someone die of cancer. But that applies whether they smoke or not. I've had two beloved family members die of cancer, one who smoked and one didn't, and both were absolutely heartbreaking.


To suggest that someone who doesn't smoke is "innocent" seems almost to imply the smokers deserve it to me, and that's just something that I can't agree with.

Nobody deserves a painful death, but I can't help but feel like it is partly a smoker's own fault.



Nobody deserves a painful death, but I can't help but feel like it is partly a smoker's own fault.

Sure, if a long term heavy smoker is diagnosed with lung cancer then it's a fair bet that they contributed to the condition. But that's a far cry from making them "guilty" whereas a non-smoker is "innocent" / it may be partly their fault but it doesn't make them more deserving. :/



Nobody deserves a painful death, but I can't help but feel like it is partly a smoker's own fault.

Sure, if a long term heavy smoker is diagnosed with lung cancer then it's a fair bet that they contributed to the condition. But that's a far cry from making them "guilty" whereas a non-smoker is "innocent" / it may be partly their fault but it doesn't make them more deserving. :/

You're right, I agree. Guilty or innocent is not the way to describe this.

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